在巍峨秀丽的南岳衡山,在云缠雾绕的大山深处,有一位青年在海拔1100米且荒无人烟的大山中奋斗11年,开垦出上百亩锦绣茶园,并研制出名扬中外的“中国文化名茶”——狮口雪牙。 他就是被誉为青年茶王的吴汉奇。 艰难困苦,对弱者来说,是可怕的,但对于英勇顽强的拓荒者,却是一种诱惑 1983年,吴汉奇高中毕业后,回到了家乡湖南省衡山县祝融乡水桐村。那时,市场上优质茶叶走俏,他便赶到县农业局拜农艺师刘春盛为师,学习种茶制茶技术,又踏遍周围几座大山在海拔1100米高的狮子峰找到了一块适宜开发茶场的宝地——道子坪。 道子坪有个美丽的传说:远古时候有位英雄在此修炼成功,某日天上突然降下一头神狮,有人说神狮的满口银牙是无价之宝,英雄便挥起扁担去敲神狮的银牙,经过一番搏斗,双方战了七七四十九
In the towering and magnificent Mount Nanyue, in the depths of a winding mountain surrounded by clouds and fog, a young man struggled for 11 years at a height of 1,100 meters and a deserted mountain. He cultivated hundreds of acres of beautiful tea garden and developed “China Cultural tea ”- lion mouth teeth. He is known as the young tea king Wu Hanqi. Hardship and hardships are terrible for the weak, but they are a temptation to the valiant and brave pioneers In 1983, after graduating from high school, Wu Hanqi returned to his hometown of Shuitong Village, Zhuerong, Hengshan County, Hunan Province. At that time, the market saw good quality tea, he rushed to the County Agricultural Bureau thanksgiving division Liu Chunsheng as a teacher, learning tea tea technology, but also traveled around several mountains in the 1100 meters above sea level lion peak to find a piece suitable for development Tea plantation treasure - Daiziping. There is a beautiful legend of Tao Zi Ping: In ancient time, a hero in this practice success, one day a sudden drop in the sky god lion, some people say that the lion’s mouth full of silver teeth is priceless treasure, the hero will swing the pole to knock the lion’s silver teeth After some struggle, the two sides fought seven or four forty-nine