Complexo-titrimetric determination of mercury using hexahydropyrimidine-2-thione as a selective mask

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meihong
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A simple, rapid, accurate and selective complexometric method is proposed for the determina-tion of mercury(Ⅱ). Mercury(Ⅱ) is first complexed with a known excess of EDTA and the surplusEDTA is back-titrated at pH 5. 0--6. 0 with lead nitrate, xylenol orange being used as indicator. Hexa-hydropyrimidine-2-thione (HPT) is then added to displace EDTA from the Hg-EDTA complex quan-titatively and the EDTA released is titrated with lead nitrate. Reproducible and accurate results areobtained for 2--55 mg of mercury, with a relative error of less than 0. 5% and standard deviation ofless than 0.04. A simple, rapid, accurate and selective complexometric method is proposed for the determina- tion of mercury (II). Mercury (II) is first complexed with a known excess of EDTA and the surplusEDTA is back- titrated at pH 5.0 - Hexa-hydropyrimidine-2-thione (HPT) is then added to displace EDTA from the Hg-EDTA complex quan-titatively and the EDTA released is titrated with lead nitrate. 6. 0 with lead nitrate, xylenol orange being used as indicator. and accurate results areobtained for 2--55 mg of mercury, with a relative error of less than 0.5% and standard deviation of less than 0.04.
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