6月1日上午,中共云南省委组织部召开新闻发布会,就近期省委出台的一批干部人事制度改革法规性文件,向新闻媒体通报了有关情况。本刊记者就此专访了省委组织部的新闻发言人。记者问(下文简称问):今年,是我省出台深化干部人事制度改革法规性文件较多、深化干部人事制度改革力度较大的一年。请您简要介绍一下出台这些法规性文件的背景是什么? 新闻发言人答(下文简称答):2000年6月,中央印发了《深化干部人事制度改革纲要》,对未来10年干
On the morning of June 1, the organizing committee of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee held a news conference to brief the news media on a batch of statutory documents on the reform of the cadre and personnel system promulgated by the provincial party committee recently. This reporter interviewed a spokesman for the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department. Reporter asked: This year is the year when the province promulgated more regulations and documents on deepening the reform of the cadre personnel system and deepening the reform on the cadre and personnel system. What is the background of issuing these regulatory documents? A spokesman for the press (A): In June 2000, the Central Government issued the “Outline for Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System of Cadres”