找准切入点结合点着力点 努力为构建和谐社会做贡献

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构建社会主义和谐社会,是当前和今后一个时期全党全社会的一项重大政治任务。罗干同志指出:“公安机关既是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要建设力量,又是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要保障力量。”周永康部长在多次讲话中反复要求各级公安机关的领导和广大民警,认真学习贯彻党的十六届六中全会精神,切实找准公安工作与构建社会主义和谐社会的切入点、结合点、着力点,以奋发有为的精神状态、求真务实的工作作风抓好各项公安工作,全面提升公安工作水平,为构建社会主义和谐社会做出应有贡献。积极响应中央领导同志的号召和要求,深刻认识公安机关在构建和谐社会中的地位和作用,紧密结合工作实际,全面落实构建和谐社会的目标和任务,这是摆在公安机关面前的历史使命和政治责任,需要我们认真思考,努力践行。 Building a socialist harmonious society is a major political task for the entire party and society as a whole at this moment and in the coming period. Comrade Luo Gan pointed out: “Public security organs are both an important force for building a harmonious socialist society and an important safeguard for building a harmonious socialist society.” In his speech, Minister Zhou Yongkang repeatedly asked leaders of the public security organs at various levels and a large number of civilian police officers, Conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, earnestly identify the entry point for public security work and the building of a harmonious socialist society, combine points, focus on the spirit of being energetic and fulfilling, and earnestly pragmatic work style Various public security work to comprehensively enhance the level of public security work and make due contributions to building a socialist harmonious society. Actively respond to the call and requirements of the central leading comrades, profoundly understand the status and role of the public security organs in building a harmonious society, and closely integrate the actual work with the goals and tasks of building a harmonious society in all aspects. This is the historical mission placed before the public security organs and Political responsibility requires us to think hard and work hard.
我公司属公益性中型国有独资企业。2004年签订《集体合同》,2006年签订《女职工特殊利益保护专项合同》。为保证“集体合同”的实施, My company is a public welfare mediu
苏和这个披着人民警察合法外衣的一方强盗,由于当地群众的直接举报,在公安部的坚定支持与打击下,最终灭亡 The robber of the Soviet Union and this side armed with the l
大兴安蛉“5·6”大火不仅仅是一场灾难,它还是清醒剂,它促使人们不能再依赖有限的林业资源,而动起了多元化发展的脑筋。 The Daxinganluan “5.6” fire was not only a ca