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城市规划中,大数据“资产化”是指对城市社会公共事务管理与服务的价值。大数据在城市规划中的运用不仅能为规划决策提供高准确率的参考性和预见性,更将引领和拓展城市各行业享受数据红利的广度和深度。而在城市规划享受大数据资产化红利的过程中,关键且首要的问题是:在构成大数据价值链的数据、思维和技术三足鼎立的关系中,厘清城市规划的角色定位,进而探寻大数据“资产化”的途径。本文通过剖析城市规划中大数据价值链的构成,提出城市规划应在其所拥有的空间基础数据的基础上,引入数据综合等相关技术,吸纳、激发创新性思维,担负起“城市数据中间人”的角色;并基于这一角色定位,构建由大数据获取、大数据组织和大数据综合所构成的城市规划大数据“资产化”的大平台,促进城市规划决策过程演变为:选择因果推理或相关关系的思维范式—组织相关数据—综合数据为信息—综合信息形成知识—综合知识进行决策。 In urban planning, big data “asset ” refers to the value of urban public affairs management and services. The use of big data in urban planning not only provides high-accuracy reference and predictability for planning and decision-making, but also leads and expands the breadth and depth of data dividends enjoyed by various industries in urban areas. In urban planning to enjoy big data asset-based dividend process, the key and the first problem is: in the big data value chain constitute the three pillars of the relationship between data, thinking and technology to clarify the role of urban planning, and then explore the big data “Assets” approach. By analyzing the composition of big data value chain in urban planning, this paper proposes that city planning should introduce relevant technologies such as data synthesis based on the spatial data it has, to absorb and stimulate innovative thinking and to take charge of urban data intermediaries “. Based on this role, we will build a large platform for big city planning data ” assetization "formed by the combination of big data acquisition, big data organization and big data to promote the decision-making process of urban planning evolvement as follows: Causal reasoning or the relationship between the thinking paradigm - the organization of relevant data - the integrated data for the information - the formation of knowledge of integrated information - a comprehensive knowledge decision-making.
目的探讨螺旋CT与磁共振成像(magnatic resonance imaging,MRI)对原发性肝癌病灶检出的临床比较。方法选取2009年2月~2012年2月于本院住院治疗的53例原发性肝癌且采取过螺旋CT与