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苏东坡对荔枝称颂有加,甚至不惜以仕途相许“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。”但你可不要天真地以为荔枝真可以一天吃上三百颗。1093年新党再度执政,苏东坡被贬至惠阳(今广东惠州市)。在惠州,苏东坡做了这首《惠州一绝》。对于这两句诗,广州人是领情了,但对于诗意他们却另有一番见解,认为是苏东坡误读了广州话,而且“日啖荔枝三百颗”也是千古错误。 Su Dongsheng praise the lychee have added, and even at the career path Xu “sundial lychee three hundred, long-term as Lingnan people. ” But you can not be naive to think that lychee can really eat three hundred a day. In 1093, the New Party once again took power. Su Dongpo was demoted to Huiyang (now Huizhou City, Guangdong Province). In Huizhou, Su Dongpo made this song “a must in Huizhou.” For these two poems, Guangzhou people are appreciate, but they have another poetic view, that is, Su Dongpo misunderstood the Cantonese, and “Sundae lychee 300 ” is an eternal error.
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