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在我国,每生产出5部手机,就有1部产自天津。循着“以整机带配套、以配套促整机”的发展战略,天津手机制造业近年来获得了高速发展。目前,手机产量超过了全国总产量的 30%,成为名副其实的“手机之都”。 In our country, each produced 5 mobile phones, there is a produced in Tianjin. Following the development strategy of “complete machine with a complete set, complete set with complete machine”, Tianjin’s mobile phone manufacturing industry has enjoyed rapid development in recent years. At present, the output of mobile phones exceeds 30% of the total output of the country and has become a veritable “mobile phone capital.”
Using the time-dependent perturbation theory and the calculation formula of the single- and double-pulse absorption spectra of the atom in strong external field
1.导言图式(schema),就是知识在大脑中的储存单位,它包括各种的知识,可以是语言学知识,也可以是历史知识,图式的总和便是一个人的全部知识。图式理论(schema theory)是在图
热红外探测器及红外焦平面列阵美国专利US7005644 (2006年2月28日授权) 本发明提供一种热红外探测器,它由衬底、温度传感器、隔热支撑腿以及红外吸收层等构成。其温度传感器
Building a forest city requires sufficient area of urban forests and an expedite water circulating system. Taking Shanghai asan example, it isproposed that Chin
Poly(vinyl alcohol)/K7[SiW11O39Co(H3P2- O7)] hybrid fine fiber mats (PVA/SiW11Co-P2O7) were prepared through electrospinning technique. After calcinations of PV