
来源 :中国注册会计师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koutoumonnokoro
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2012年12月20日,中国注册会计师协会在北京召开证券资格会计师事务所2012年年报审计工作会议,本次会议的主要任务是学习党的十八大和财政部领导有关批示指示精神,全面把握行业面临的新形势、新任务和新要求,总结2012年证券所执业质量监管工作,深入推进行业诚信建设,研究解决行业发展尤其是证券所发展存在的问题,全力推进证券所科学发展,提升上市公司2012年年报审计工作水平。中注协副会长兼秘书长陈毓 On December 20, 2012, the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants convened an audit meeting on the 2012 annual report of the securities qualification accounting firm in Beijing. The main task of this meeting is to learn the instructions and instructions from the leaders of the 18th CPC Congress and the Ministry of Finance, The industry is facing new situations, new tasks and new requirements. It summarizes the supervision of the quality of securities practice in 2012, deepens the construction of industry integrity, studies and solves the problems in the development of the industry, especially the development of securities, and promotes the scientific development of securities and promotion of listing The company audited the annual report in 2012. Chen Yu, vice chairman and secretary general of the China Football Association
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On November 18, China Central Television (CCTV), the national broadcaster with more than 1 billion viewers, auctioned off its prime-time advertising time for n
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