Coastal geomorphic evolution at the Denglou Cape, the Leizhou Peninsula

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmy7872
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The Denglou Cape, southwest of the Leizhou Peninsula, is the most typical tropical coast in the continent of China.The coastal geomorphic development basics of the geology and Quaternary environment change are discussed. Aerial photograph interpretation with fieldwork is applied to draw the outlines of geomorphic types. Based on the investigative data, the exogenic forces and marine organism conditions concerning tropical coast development in the area are expounded, and coastal dynamo-deposition geomorphic bodies are analysed, mainly with sea cliff-abrasion platform,barrier-lagoon system, modern beach, coral reef and mangrove tidal flat, and the general process of coastal evolution at this area, as well as coastline changes since middle Holocene transgression. The Denglou Cape, southwest of the Leizhou Peninsula, is the most typical tropical coast in the continent of China. The coastal geomorphic development basics of the geology and Quaternary environment change are discussed. Aerial photograph interpretation with fieldwork is applied to draw the outlines of geomorphic types. Based on the investigative data, the exogenic forces and marine organism conditions concerning tropical coast development in the area are expounded, and coastal dynamo-deposition geomorphic bodies are analysed, mainly with sea cliff-abrasion platform, barrier-lagoon system, modern beach , coral reef and mangrove tidal flat, and the general process of coastal evolution at this area, as well as coastline changes since middle Holocene transgression.
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