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第一次到重庆,就赶上了深夜。在我心里想象过千百遍的雾,此刻却以特有的好客方式,沉甸甸地压得我抬不起头来,只得茫然地与这闭月的山城一同浸在乳色的浪漫中。张德永先生早就等在机场出口了,一把夺过我的行李扔到汽车后备箱里,老朋友似地笑了:“重庆就是这样,它总是披着一层白纱,刚开始时让你什么也看不到看不懂,它的美要你慢慢去发现,去解开。”已是初春,风害羞地四处躲藏,翻起人们的衣摆企图钻到一个更温暖的地方。车子驶过的路边有清洁工人在默默地点燃一堆堆冬天落零的桔叶,稍瞬,浓烟如传单般散布在这座预约过多次的城市,神秘而又炙热。张德永,我身边的这位渝宏建设集团股份有限公司总会计师,不停地用电话帮我订好房间,预约晚饭,几近憨厚的言语里流畅着一层金属的颜色,并时不时地用再朴实不过的笑容关注我还需要什么。我实在不敢忘了此行专访他的目的,几次意欲把话题往他的工作上引,却每每被他岔开了:“先感受感受重庆吧,你是晚上到的,正好从零开始。”实在问急了他就说:“我是重庆人,就和这重庆的性格一样,不急,你就慢慢来发现吧。” The first time to Chongqing, to catch up late at night. Imagined in my heart thousands of times the fog, but now with a unique manner of hospitality, heavy pressure I can not lift my head, only with a loss of the mountains and the closed city in the creamy romantic. Mr. Zhang Deyong has long been waiting for the exit at the airport, a snatched my luggage thrown into the trunk of the car, the old friend said with a smile: “Chongqing is the case, it is always dressed in a layer of white gauze, the beginning You can not see or understand anything, its beauty wants you to slowly find and unravel. ”It was early spring, and the wind shyly hid and flipped the clothes of people in an attempt to drill into a warmer place. The car passing by the roadside cleaners quietly ignite a pile of winter falling zero orange leaves, just a moment, smoke spread like a leaflet in this appointment many times in the city, mysterious and hot. Zhang Deyong, the chief accountant of Yuhong Construction Group Co., Ltd. beside me, kept using the telephone to book my room and make an appointment for dinner. The simple and honest words are smooth with a layer of metal color and are used from time to time Unmistakable smile Focus on what else I need. I really can not forget this purpose interview his purpose, several times intended to lead the topic to his work cited, but often he was distracted: “First feel it feel Chongqing, you are at night, just starting from scratch ”I really asked him urgently:“ I am a native of Chongqing. Like Chongqing, I do not worry. You will find it slowly. ”
去年初.带着福尔摩斯般的梦幻憧憬步入警营.我被分配到一个乡镇派出所工作.现实的工作与年少的梦想是全然不同的.更非影视作品描写的 Early last year. With Sherlock Holmes dr
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爸爸的气质一点一滴注入我生命,我一生的基调都是爸爸定的。南方的阴雨天,小马打着伞啃根油条去相亲。一位小官员看中他的小才气,有心介绍自己的老妹给他做老 Dad’s temper
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