Effects of Endurance and Endurance-strength Exercise on Renal Function in Abdominally Obese Women wi

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Objective Obesity is associated with kidney defects.Physical activity is a key element in the treatment of obesity.The aim of this study was to compare the effect of endurance and endurance-strength training on kidney function in abdominally obese women.Methods Forty-four abdominally obese women were randomized to endurance training or endurance-strength training,three times a week for 3 months.Before and after the intervention,kidney function was assessed by measuring blood creatinine,urine creatinine,and urine albumin levels,and the albumin-to-creatinine ratio and glomerular filtration rate(GFR) were calculated.Results Renal hyperperfusion was present in both groups before the study.Following both types of physical activity,similar modifications of the investigated parameters were observed,but with no significant between-group differences.Both courses of training led to a significant increase in blood creatinine and a subsequent decrease in the GFR.A significant increase in urine creatinine and album levels,though not exceeding the range for microalbuminuria,was not accompanied by any difference in the albumin-to-creatinine ratio after endurance-strength training alone.Conclusion Three months of either endurance or endurance-strength training has a favorable and comparable effect on renal function in abdominally obese women with renal hyperfiltration. Objective Obesity is associated with kidney defects. Physical activity is a key element in the treatment of obesity. Aims to this study was to compare the effect of endurance and endurance-strength training on kidney function in abdominally obese women. Methods Forty-four abdominally obese women were randomized to endurance training or endurance-strength training, three times a week for 3 months. Before and after the intervention, kidney function was assessed by measuring blood creatinine, urine creatinine, and urine albumin levels, and the albumin-to- Results Both Renal hyperperfusion was present in both groups before the study. Results of both types of physical activity, similar modifications of the investigated parameters were observed, but with no significant between-group differences. Both courses of training led to a significant increase in blood creatinine and a subsequent decrease in the GFR. A significant increase in urine cre atinine and album levels, though not exceeding the range for microalbuminuria, was not accompanied by any difference in the albumin-to-creatinine ratio after endurance-strength training alone. Conlusion for three months of either endurance or endurance-strength training has a favorable and comparable effect on renal function in abdominally obese women with renal hyperfiltration.
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在离开香港之前,很自然地被所有朋友问及一个相同的问题:你对香港最大的留恋是什么?“书店”。每一次我都会毫不犹豫地回答。  这样的回答每一次也都会招来朋友们惊奇的眼光,他们接着会问我,你离开家乡南京,离开上大学的城市上海时,所留念的也会是那里的书店吗?  對于这个问题,我反而犹豫了很长时间,似乎我最怀念的,反而是南京的城墙,上海的弄堂。不错,南京和上海,都有环境优雅,适合消磨一个下午的宽敞大书店,也
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每个时代都有自己特有的当代性,当代艺术是一个相对动态的过程和概念.如果面对汹涌澎湃、 扑面而来的当代艺术,一定要把媒介刨除在外的话,那么我们仍可以在版画思维中自由领
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