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与雪同行这是入冬的第一场雪。被放逐的精灵,在原野上翻滚,冰天雪地,如诗如画,堆砌起酸甜苦辣的城。天空是一块巨大的幕布。远处,驼背的父亲搀扶着母亲,成为天幕下一个小小的黑点。晚风夹着雪花,在他们的脸上肆虐,飞扬的银丝如雪,刺痛了这夜空下的深沉。村庄,成为他们的参照物,单薄如斯,大地一片苍茫。一抬脚,就想起母亲弯下身去捡拾沉重饱满的稻穗。黑土地上,滚动着庄稼人的汗珠,如 Walking with the snow This is the first snow in winter. Exiled elf, rolling in the wilderness, ice and snow, picturesque, piling up the city of sweet and sour. The sky is a huge curtain. In the distance, the humpbacked father helped his mother to become a little dark spot under the canopy. Breeze sandwiched between the snowflakes, wreak havoc in their faces, flying silver snow, sting deep under the night sky. The village, as their reference, so thin, vast land. When he raised his foot, he remembered that her mother bent over and picked up the heavy, plump rice. Black soil, rolling sweat beads, such as
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