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8月27日,备受大家关注的《儿童玩具召回管理规定》终于出台。这是中国继2005年《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》制定后对缺陷产品实施召回管理的又一举措。这一规定在产品质量法有关规定的基础上进一步严格了生产者生产存在缺陷的儿童玩具的产品责任,明确规定了生产者是缺陷儿童玩具的第一责任 On August 27, the “Regulations on the Recall of Children’s Toys”, which received much public attention, was finally promulgated. This is yet another measure taken by China to implement recall management of defective products following the establishment of the “Regulations on the Recall of Defective Automobile Products” in 2005. This provision further imposes strict product liability on producers of defective children’s toys on the basis of the relevant provisions of the Product Quality Law and clearly stipulates that producers are the primary responsibility of defective children’s toys
联想罚站,这就是制度,制度订出来就要严格执行。处罚当然是必要的,而且对领导、对员工应该一视同仁,但关键是我们的心态。人的心态决定人的命运,企业管理 Lenovo station, w
Sino-U.S. relations have long echoed the words of Confucius.But this time around, it is Chinese basketball superstar Yao Ming’s philosophy that holds court. S
China’s e-shoppers embrace the convenience and integrate online shopping into their everyday lives Lin Yong, a 30-year-old information technology engineer in B
从健全人到残疾人,从乞丐到百万富翁,注定彭南海的经历不寻常。更具传奇的是,每次在他的人生最低谷,总会出现看似毫不起眼的人物,在他的人生轨迹上,形成一个个拐点。  国庆前夕的武陵山空气格外清新,满山遍野探出头的萝卜又白又胖,秋天金色的阳光将它们映得闪闪发亮。这里是地处渝鄂两省市交界处的二仙岩,海拔1800多米,彭南海的反季萝卜基地就在这里,8辆30吨的大卡车正排队等待装好萝卜后奔赴广州。  46岁的
A critical factor in liking your work is people. Your job environment isn’t just furniture, space, rules, systems, and procedures; it’s made up of people as
Once,the American writer Mark Twain left for another part of the country by train.The train was crowded,and he searched one carriage after another for a seat.S