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新一轮课程改革倡导“立足过程,促进发展”的课程评价,这不仅仅是教育体系的变革,更重要的是评价理念、评价方法与手段以及评价实施过程的转变。新课程强调建立多元主体共同参与的评价制度,重视评价的激励与改进功能。本文针对如何科学地来评价学生学习成绩的问题,分析了现阶段教育评价的不足——学生承担压力过大,提出“阶段性评价与终结性评价结合”的设想,并根据我校情况设计实施具有可行性的评价方法。 The new round of curriculum reform advocates “based on the process, promote development ” curriculum evaluation, this is not just the educational system reform, more important is the evaluation of ideas, evaluation methods and means and evaluation of the implementation process of change. The new curriculum emphasizes the establishment of an evaluation system in which multiple subjects participate together, and attaches importance to the incentive and improvement functions of evaluation. This paper aims at how to scientifically evaluate students’ academic performance, analyzes the shortcomings of current educational evaluation - the assumption of excessive pressure on students, puts forward the idea of ​​“combining stage evaluation with final evaluation”, and according to the situation of our university Design and implementation of a viable evaluation method.
独特的地理位置,孕育出独特的藏传佛教艺术。透过那一尊尊形神兼备的宗教造像,我们得以遥想神秘悠远的佛国之境,体味浓郁醇厚的藏文化风情。 Unique geographical location,
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纽约尼克队控球后卫林书豪旋风再度炒起篮球热,问一问你的情人或老公,若是他来当球员,他最想担任的是篮球场上的哪个角色?  A.前锋  B.中锋  C.得分后卫  D.控球后卫  选择A的人:这类情人很在意工作成就,爱情在热恋期过后,就摆到旁边去。他认为定期约会和同居状态也不错,真爱并不一定需要用结婚证书这张纸来证明,要等他求婚,你有得等了!建议你先开口求婚,顺便摆明婚后你会当他打拼工作的最强后盾,你
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