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半导体分立器件行业属于国家重点鼓励行业,2009年,国家发改委、工业和信息化部联合下发了《电子信息产业技术进步和技术改造投资方向》,文件明确将覆盖产品设计、芯片制造、封装测试等环节的半导体行业整体链条作为未来三年技术进步和技术改造的重点投资方向。从我国半导体分立器件产业链分布 In 2008, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the “Technological Progress and Technical Transformation Investment Direction of Electronic Information Industry”, and the document will clearly cover product design, chip manufacturing and package testing And other sectors of the semiconductor industry as a whole chain as the next three years technological progress and technological transformation of the focus of investment. Distribution from China’s semiconductor discrete devices industry chain
<正>A novel level shift circuit featuring with high dV/dt noise immunity and improved negative V_S capacity is proposed in this paper.Compared with the conventi
The tunneling field-effect transistor(TFET) is a potential candidate for the post-CMOS era.In this paper,a threshold voltage model is developed for this new kin
This paper presents the design and implementation of a digitally calibrated CMOS wideband radio frequency(RF) root-mean-square(RMS) power detector for high accu
松辽盆地南部处于大型湖盆的边缘相带 ,储层具有厚度薄、致密、非均质性强、粘土矿物总含量较高等特点。因而 ,储层改造技术是松南地区低渗透油气田增储上产的关键。通过对该
1病例资料 例1:患儿,男,3天,第一胎第一产,足月顺产,新法接生,生后1分钟Apgar评分7分,心跳、呼吸正常,刺激后不哭。体重2400g。自出生后患儿未哭过,对刺激反应迟钝。已喂奶,
WT5HZ]Objective:[WT5BZ] To explore the treatment on infantile intractable diarrhea with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. [WT5HZ]Methods:[WT5
计算机辅助教学在外语教学中具有导师、激励物和工具三项作用。 Computer-assisted instruction has three functions of instructors, motivators and tools in foreign la