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农业是国民经济的基础。而我国是农业大国、人口大国、农业经济发展更是整个国民经济的基础,因此农业发展尤为重要!随着农业产业结构调整加快,现代农业承受着自然风险、社会风险、经济风险。例如:我国著名的农业大省:河南、湖北、湖南、江西以及西部地区,如:陕西、甘肃、宁夏、自然灾害频繁且严重,农民自身承受力低,农业和农村经济发展不平衡。而农业保险是专门为农业生产者在从事种植业和养殖业生产过程中,对遭受自然灾害和意外事故所造成的经济损失提供保障的一种保险。它为农民解决后顾之忧,提高农业生产的积极性。是现代农业经济发展的重要保障,也是推动农业可持续发展的重要保障!因此建立和完善农业保障制度显得尤为必要。 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. However, our country is a large agricultural country and a populous country, and the development of agricultural economy is the foundation of the entire national economy. Therefore, the development of agriculture is particularly important! With the acceleration of agricultural industrial structure adjustment, modern agriculture suffers from natural, social and economic risks. For example, the famous big agricultural provinces in China are Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and the western regions such as Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. Natural disasters are frequent and serious, their own tolerance is low, and the development of agriculture and rural economy are not balanced. Agricultural insurance, on the other hand, is a form of insurance specifically designed to protect agricultural producers from economic losses caused by natural disasters and accidents in their farming and aquaculture production processes. It solves the worries of farmers and improves the enthusiasm of agricultural production. It is an important guarantee for the development of modern agricultural economy and also an important guarantee for the sustainable development of agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and perfect the agricultural guarantee system.