Research and application of landscape design of Binhai Plaza

来源 :大众科学·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjqtq757
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  Summary:Waterfront is an indispensable and extremely precious natural resource for human beings. With the rapid development of modern economic and cultural construction, the construction of waterfront has gained the attention of the state and governments at all levels, and has increasingly become an important element of urban development. This paper takes "coastline" as the design theme, and takes the landscape design of waterfront Square as the research object. It discusses people's hydrophilic activities and hydrophilic landscape design from the social and humanistic aspects.
  In today's society, people are more and more advocating close to nature and return to nature. Ecological landscape design of people's influence and occupy a higher and higher position, more and more people enjoy the ecological landscape brought by the sense of belonging and visual enjoyment.
  ⅠHydrophilic Landscape Design of urban waterfront
  Because of the particularity of water form, determines the diversity of hydrophilic landscape form, the design can be changeable, the use of water body rich change form, can Be designed to have their own characteristics and in line with the contemporary trend of hydrophilic landscape development. On the basis of diversity of expression forms, the development of Hydrophilic Landscape Design of Contemporary Seaside Plaza tends to meet people's needs more and more. Although the existing landscape public facilities in our country have made rapid progress and development, they are still not perfect in many aspects and can not fully meet people's spiritual and cultural needs, which requires our contemporary designers to actively innovate, design to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses, in line with the development of the present era of excellent water-friendly landscape design.
  Ⅱ. Design Principles
  1. Water-friendly design principle
  Human beings have always been looking forward to a natural ecological life, whether in living areas or tourist attractions, people's demand for water environment is getting higher and higher, not only to appreciate the water, and access to water. Because the function of water is no longer limited in tourism and landscape, it's mutual response to the surrounding environment and the protection of the ecological environment have been more attention and concern. People are eager to see the blue sea, blue sky, green trees, fish and shrimp swim, birds circling the ecological landscape of the river, which requires us in the waterfront design process to pay more attention to the hydrophilic design principles.   2. Ecological design principle
  "Human" is the main user of hydrophilic landscape. Therefore must consider the user's request first, completes the overall layout. "green-oriented" , to maximize the design of the environment to improve the rate of green, reflecting in the natural ecological landscape design mainly through the plant-based landscaping, to create a pleasant environment.
  III. Functional Zoning
  1.The main entrance
  The main entrance of the plaza should adopt a more visually open design method in accordance with the design principle of showing the original coastal natural landscape as far as possible, then close visitors can feel the vast sea in the entrance square, but not to a glance, increase the expectations of visitors to the whole square and the desire to play.
  2.The main square
  The main square is an important shared space for external communication, which strengthens people's communication and connection. One is to people rendered the outstanding cultural connotation, provides the leisure, the culture, the entertainment activity place. Second, as the city's important landscape of the main square equivalent to the city's "living room", it is not only an important showcase of local urban culture, but also an attractive landscape. the main square is set up artificially in the city to provide citizens with leisure learning in public activities in order to highlight local cultural themes, improving urban social environment: a modern open urban space with multiple social and cultural implications.
  3.The coastal water-friendly area
  The entire waterfront area can use the wooden sea-viewing platform, through the ladder to show the different heights, visitors can enjoy the sea view from different angles through the different height ,that is to add interest in the process of viewing the sea, it also shows the uniqueness of the scenic spot. Every 50 meters or so, there is a step leading to the beach, which is convenient for visitors to get closer to the beach.
  4.The design of public facilities
  In public facilities areas can best reflect the civilization level and spiritual quality of a city. An excellent design of public facilities areas can vividly highlight the regional sense of the city itself, it can also increase the sense of belonging of the residents of the city. The real number of public facilities, the quality of good or bad, as well as the location is reasonable and appropriate, all affect the overall effect of the city landscape. Therefore, in order to better meet the needs of the development of modern culture, the public facilities area should adopt a more bold and characteristic design method to meet the needs of the Times on the basis of satisfying basic functions.
  Through the study of water-friendly landscape types, using the local unique natural resources, architectural features and traditional cultural heritage, to create a leisure, tourism, vacation trinity of the Cultural Square base with great characteristics. Through the remolding and planning of the site landscape, a new type of rural revenue line will be created, combining the traditional customs, culture and economic forms along the coast, to shape a scenic area with regional and local characteristics.
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摘 要:近年来,随着计算机技术的发展和普及,越来越多行业开始将其应用于各自领域当中,但随着社会科技的发展和进步,计算机网络技术在发展过程中也衍生出了许多亟待解决的问题。人工智能作为一项新兴科技,它的引入为计算机网络技术带来了新的活力,为计算机网络技术应用过程中遇到的很多问题带来了新的解决思路。本文将主要探讨人工智能在计算机网络技术中的应用,以期能为相关从业人员带来一些新的启发和思考。  关键词:人
摘 要:在第一种办法中,考虑到我们没有办法确认是否只有一个人感染,所以该办法实用的可能性不大。但是我们可以从第一种办法中得到启发:假设采用第一种办法最终试剂盒呈现的结果为1011  关键词:编号;病毒检测;血液检测  一、研究背景:  致病性病毒一直以来都是人类生存的一大威胁。只是因为流感病毒而死亡的人数就多达65万人。各种各样的致病性病毒严重影响了人类的生存。那么对致病性病毒的防控显得尤为重要,
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摘 要:农艺师这一新的职业群体致力于农业生产建设一线工作,其不但能够指导基本的农业活动,而且积极参与到农村生态建设和产业化进程中,对于农村物质文明水平的提升起着关键作用。在新的时代背景下,我们要更好地发挥农艺师在建设新农村中的作用,以新思维、新方法、新平台建设好农村。  关键词:农艺师;工作;创新  一、农艺工作创新的时代和社会需求  (一)信息化需求  信息化发展为各行业创造了机遇和挑战,也将社
摘 要:基于对现代化图书营销创意在出版策划中运用的探讨研究,首先要明确在出版策划中运用现代化图书营销创意的关键点,然后与注重与读者间的互动、充分发挥新媒体的作用、选择合适的营销方式以及增加营销的媒体途径这四点主要内容相结合,对增强图书营销创意在出版策划中应用效果的措施进行分析,希望能够为有关人士提供帮助。  关键词:纪检监察;国企运营  中图分类号:G239.22 文献标识码:A  引言: