
来源 :现代医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keenkingzhu
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目的:建立大鼠类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)模型及检测相关指标,为研究RA的发病机制及其临床治疗提供依据。方法:本研究以Dark-Agouti(DA)大鼠为模型动物,采用尾根部皮内一次性注射降植烷300μl的方法建立RA模型,并检测不同时间点大鼠体重、关节病理评分、爪容积、后爪关节活动度、机械缩爪阈值、热缩爪潜伏期等指标。结果:注射降植烷后7~14 d DA大鼠100%发病,表现为四肢掌指关节、指间关节以及踝关节红肿,爪容积增加,动物行走障碍,关节活动度下降,机械缩爪阈值明显下降,第21~28天达高峰。结论:降植烷尾根部注射引起的DA大鼠关节炎发病率高,操作简单易行,与临床RA患者表现有高度相似性,是一种较好的RA模型。 OBJECTIVE: To establish a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its related indexes for the study of the pathogenesis of RA and its clinical treatment. Methods: In this study, a rat model of Dark-Agouti (DA) was established. RA model was established by intradermal injection of 300μl of propranolol into the tail of the tail. The body weight, joint pathological score, paw volume , Hind paw joint activity, mechanical paw withdrawal threshold, paw withdrawal latency and other indicators. RESULTS: DA rats developed 100% incidence 7 to 14 days after injection of metoprolol, which was manifested by metacarpophalangeal joint and interphalangeal joint and ankle joint swelling, increased paw volume, animal walking disorder, decreased joint mobility, mechanical paw withdrawal threshold Significantly decreased, reached the peak on the 21st to 28th. CONCLUSION: The incidence of arthritis of DA rats induced by root injection of tail of alkaloids is a good RA model because of its high incidence, simple and easy operation, and high similarity with clinical manifestations of RA.
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