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  I. 边读边填(每空填上一个合适的介词)
  It was a rainy, humid(feeling wet and hot) day: the mother of all bad hair days(万事不顺之源). I was riding on a bus downtown to go to work. The windows ___1___the bus were covered in condensation(rain drops) so thick you couldn’t see outside. Everyone was wilting(tiring). I was sitting next to a man ___2___a business suit and didn’t pay much attention until we both got off___ 3___ the same stop and walked to the same newsstand to get a morning paper.
  The man running the stand was obviously having a bad day. He was rude, abrupt(unfriendly) and unsmiling as we purchased(bought) our papers, which served to only add more gloom(disappointment) to my day. The businessman caught my eye and smiled. He then proceeded(continued) to smile brightly, thank the newsstand proprietor(owner) for the paper and for being open ___4___ such a morning to make sure we were able to get our papers. ___5___ short, he expressed his appreciation for something most of us would take for granted.
  The man running the newsstand responded only___ 6___a grunt(咕哝) and a sour expression. The businessman then pleasantly wished him a pleasant day.
  As we turned away, I asked this man why he had continued to be pleasant to the newsman when he obviously didn’t care___7___and didn’t respond to his expression of appreciation and friendliness. The businessman grinned(smile widely) at me and said, “Why would I let someone else control what I say and what I feel or what kind of day I’m going to have?”
  That was a good 25 years ago, but I’ve never forgotten the words he said or the way his smile seemed like a shaft of light on a gloomy day. The impact(effect) this had___8___ my life has lasted. I never had a chance to thank him personally, but the way___9___ which I try to choose to look at life as a result of those words is his legacy(something left) to me and my thanks to him.
  We cannot control people and situations that come to us, but we can always control our response to them. And___10___such positive decisions lie our control and personal power to make a positive difference. And it’s something anyone and everyone can do. It is a real legacy that can impact both the present and the future.
  II. 读后改写(根据文意补全下列句子)
  One rainy morning 25 years ago a businessman and I walked to a newsstand ___1 ___ . The newsman, who appeared sad that day, ___ 2___ . The businessman, with bright smiles, thanked ___ 3___ . But the newsman
  4. However, the businessman then___5 ___. ___6___has lasted in my heart. And I’ll keep it as___7___ .
  II. 1. to get morning papers
  2. was rude to us
  3. him for the paper which was on sale on such a morning
  4. remained cold
  5. pleasantly wished him a good day
  6. What the businessman did
  7. a present of life to me forever
作为芸芸众生的一员,我不愿总是泡在低处的池塘里,数着几张钱消费上帝给我的有限时光。我需要登高,需要望远,需要面对整个天空作一次灵魂的深呼吸;我需要从精神的高处带回一些白云,擦拭琐碎而陈旧的生活,擦拭缺少光泽的内心。  那些只习惯于繁花锦簇的春天的生命,如何度过群芳凋零的冬天?那些被众星捧月般拥戴和欢呼的人们,不经受孤独和冷落,如何积蓄一种于困境中自信从容的人生大气?我们生命的最大值,正是在这种承受
曾经有很长的一段时间,我孤零零一个人住在一个很深的大院子里。从外面走进去,越走越静,自己的脚步声越听越清楚,仿佛从闹市走向深山。等到脚步声成为空谷足音的时候,我住的地方就到了。  院子不小,都是方砖铺地,三面有走廊。天井里遮满了树枝,走到下面,浓荫匝地,清凉蔽体。从房子的气势来看,依稀可见当年的富贵气象。等到我住进去的时候,富贵气象早已成为陈迹,但是阴森凄苦的气氛却是原封未动。再加上走廊上陈列的那
原文输入  我与张自忠将军仅有一面之雅,但印象甚深,较之许多常常谋面的人更难令我忘怀。  一九四零年一月我奉命参加国民参政会之华北视察慰劳团,访问了五个战区七个集团军司令部,其中之一便是张自忠将军的防地,他的司令部设在襄樊与当阳之间的小镇上,名快活铺。我们到达快活铺的时候大概是在二月中,天气很冷,还降着蒙蒙的冰霰。我们旅途劳顿,一下车便被招待到司令部,这司令部是一栋民房,真正的茅茨土屋①,一明一暗
材 料 一  请概括下面一则消息的主要信息,不超过35字。(注意:不能遗漏信息要点)  《人民日报》巴厘岛5月3日电,东盟10国与中日韩财长会议在印度尼西亚巴厘岛发表联合公报宣布,亚洲区域外汇储备库将在今年年底前正式成立并运行,以解决区域内的短期资金流动困难,并作为现有国际金融机构的补充。  根据公报提供的数据,在规模为1200亿美元的亚洲区域外汇储备库中,中日韩3国出资80%,东盟10国出资20
一、语言知识及表达(共15分,每小题3分)  1. 下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一项是( )  A. 驾驭(yù)滂沱(páng)狡黠(xiá) 果实累累(léi)  B. 韶华(sháo)折耗(shé)悄然(qiǎo) 泾渭分明(jīng)  C. 熨帖(yùn)剽窃(piāo)喟叹(kuì) 璞玉浑金(pú)  D. 俳优(pái)祛暑(qū)打烊(yáng) 云谲波诡(jué)    
我们说母爱是世界上最伟大、最无私的爱,母爱无言却恩重如山,这个世界上唯一能只谈奉献不求回报的爱,那就是母爱。母亲的爱在你毫不知情的情况下时时刻刻笼罩着你、呵护着你。文中那位无名无姓的母亲,她看似平凡的举动,却让我们内心深受震动,大爱无言是不是最能概括这位母亲无私的举动?究竟是我们内心的哪根弦被轻轻地拨动了?让我们如此地感动许久,许久……    “Can I see my baby?” asked
A    The safety of Chinese personal abroad is being “evaluated”, the Foreign Minister said yesterday, reaffirming its position that the Ethiopia attacks will not stop the nation’s enterprises investin