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科技型中小企业技术创新基金的价值如何测度和实现价值最大化是政府和企业迫切需要解决的问题.基于波特的价值链模型以及科技型中小企业的特点,分析了科技型中小企业的价值链,并以价值链和利益相关者作为理论基础分析了创新基金的作用机理,得出创新基金的价值体现为资金杠杆、社会资本杠杆和带动效应,通过对每种价值进行细化形成完整的国家创新基金的价值测度指标体系,同时结合115份有效的调查问卷,对国家创新基金的价值测度进行实证研究,为有关政府部门制定政策和科技型中小企业实施创新基金项目提供了理论指导. How to measure and realize the value maximization of technology-based SME technological innovation fund is an urgent problem to be solved by the government and enterprises.Based on Porter’s value chain model and the characteristics of small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises, this paper analyzes the value chain of small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises . Based on the value chain and stakeholders, this paper analyzes the mechanism of innovation fund, and concludes that the value of innovation fund is embodied as capital leverage, social capital leverage and driving effect. By refining each value to form a complete country It also provides an empirical study of the value measurement of the National Innovation Fund by combining 115 valid questionnaires and providing theoretical guidance for the relevant government departments to formulate policies and implement innovative fund projects for the small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises.
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