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山西省人民委员会批转农业建设厅“关于召开土制农药厂座谈会的报告”的通知晋农祺字第576号1959年10月9日我省气候温和,历年均有虫害发生,威胁农作物丰收。从去年大跃进以来,各地均注意了依靠群众,发动群众,采用土法,大搞土制农药和土制农械。截至目前全省已建立起大小土制农药厂两千余个,这对于大量杀灭病虫害,保证农业增产起了积极的作用。但是,目前仍有部分地区的同志对这一工作还重视不够,强调这样那样的困难,甚至认为办土农药厂不是方向,没有认真地贯彻土洋并举两条腿走路的方针,只是等待国家给调拨农药、农械。这种思想是错误的。农业建设厅关于召开土制农药厂座谈会报告中提出的几条措施,省人委认为是积极可行的,现批转各地。 The People’s Committee of Shanxi Province forwarded the notice of the “Report of the Forum on the Convening of an Earth-based Pesticide Plant” issued by the Ministry of Agriculture Construction. No. 576 of the Jinnongzi No. 576 October 9, 1959, the climate of our province was mild, and the pests occurred throughout the year. Harvest crops. Since the Great Leap Forward last year, all localities have paid attention to relying on the masses, mobilizing the masses, adopting indigenous methods, and engaging in large-scale indigenous pesticides and indigenous agricultural machinery. Up to now, the province has established more than two thousand small and large-scale indigenous pesticide plants, which has played a positive role in killing a large number of pests and diseases and ensuring agricultural production. However, there are still some comrades in this area who still do not pay enough attention to this work, and emphasize such difficulties. They even think that the local soil pesticide plant is not the direction and does not seriously implement the policy of walking in the ocean and walking on two legs. It just waits for the country to give Allocate pesticides and farm machinery. This idea is wrong. The several measures proposed in the report of the Agricultural Construction Department on the convening of the forum for the discussion of the local agricultural pesticide plant were considered by the Provincial People’s Party Committee to be active and feasible.
赵紫阳在一次会上说,今年要认真研完一下短缺物资的综合治理。物价问题实际是物资短缺问题。这属于宏观管理,要搞细,太粗不行。对短缺物资,第一,要限制消 Zhao Ziyang said