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文人的品格往往清高,其可爱在于此,其可厌亦在于此。任何事情都有两面,过犹不及,因此,重要的是恰切地把握好“清高”的律度。 我们所生存的这个世界,永远是不公正的、不合理的。文人是知识阶层,首先敏感到这一个问题,所谓“众人皆醉我独醒”,于是希望改变这个世界,使之成为公正、成为合理,但又行不通,于是又希望超越这个世界,即所谓“超尘脱俗”。清高,正是超尘脱俗的一种生活态度。 有两种清高,一种是超然的、欲说还休的清高,平淡而天真,则有天际真人的高致;另一种是耿耿于怀的,为赋新诗强说愁的清高,对一切都看不惯,对自己的境遇永远不满足,于是以“清高”骄人,以“清高”表明自己的高明,这种生活态度,比之那些淳朴的世俗人,实质上还要来得俗气,即所谓“穷酸”、“寒酸”。 文人往往自命不凡,得志的自然有,却只是少数,失意的可实在太多了,于是而需要对立清高的形象的自救或自欺。所谓“自救”,是指失意者中真有经时济世的才干者,也只是少数,大多数只是孔乙已式的人物,所以称他们的“清高”为自欺,同时也和以欺人。你看他们总是以老嗟卑,无病呻吟,强歌当哭,哭丧着脸一副可怜相,就像是曲戏台上的文小生,哼哼唧唧、扭扭摆摆的腔调,实在酸得可以。 The character of the literati tends to be noble and their adorable lies in this. Everything has two sides, too far, and therefore, it is important to properly grasp the “noble” rhyme. The world we live in will always be unjust and unreasonable. The literati are the intelligentsia. First, they are sensitive to this issue. The so-called “everyone is drunk and I am awake.” I hope to change this world to make it fair, to be reasonable but to no avail, and to go beyond this world, “Ultra-dust refined.” Clear high, it is refined life attitude of the ultra-dust. There are two kinds of aloft, one is transcendental, to say Hugh off high, plain and naive, there are real people in the sky; the other is to heart, to give new poetry strong worry about the high, all Are unaccustomed to the situation of their own never satisfied, so “noble” proud, “clear high” to show their wisdom, this attitude to life, compared to those simple secular people, in essence, even cheesy, The so-called “poor acid”, “shabby.” Literati often pretentious, dedication of nature, but only a minority, frustration can be too much, so the need for self-help or self-deception of confrontational image. The so-called “self-help” refers to those really frustrated people who have experienced economic development in the meantime. Only a few people, most of whom are only K’2 figures, call them “deceitful” self-deception and deceitfulness. You see them always with the old inferiority, groaning sick, strong song when crying, mournful face a pair of poor phase, like the song stage niche, hum hanged, swayed tone, it is sour.
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