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确定点的坐标是平面直角坐标系中的重点和难点,在中考中屡见不鲜.一、确定对称点的坐标例1(2013年常州)已知点P(3,2),则点P关于y轴对称的点P_1的坐标是____,点P关于原点O对称的点P_2的坐标是____.解析:依题意,点P_1在第二象限,点P_2在第三象限,它们到x轴的距离和到y轴的距离分别等于点P到x轴的距离和到y轴的距离. Determine the coordinates of the point is the plane rectangular coordinate system in the focus and difficulty, in the test in the common.First, to determine the coordinates of the symmetry point 1 (2013 Changzhou) known point P (3,2), the point P on the y axis The symmetry point P_1 coordinates is ____, the point P symmetry about the origin O point P_2 coordinates is ____. Analysis: According to the idea, the point P_1 in the second quadrant, the point P_2 in the third quadrant, their x-axis The distance and the distance to the y-axis are equal to the distance from the point P to the x-axis and the distance to the y-axis, respectively.
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这些花儿和草儿,  她们长得多健康啊,  她们一个劲地吸收着,  太阳光还有雨水,  然后向上长啊,  长啊。  我要向她们学习,  长得那么漂亮和健康。  黄高兴 (5岁)  马恩恩 (4岁)  胡雨蝶 (5岁)  邹政轩 (4岁)  许可冉 (4岁)
石河子市的朱女士咨询:我们是一家生产化工产品的企业,听说最近自治区有关部门对危险化学品购买销售进行了重点管理。请问,目前对化学品购买和销售都有哪些限制? Ms. Shi, S
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Two experimental tests of three-storied reinforced concrete structural walls having large openings were performed.Based on an original macro model,a multiple mo