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自去年 1 1月份四届二次理事会以来 ,由于工作变动等原因 ,一些同志已不宜继续留任理事。为保持学会理事会的生机和活力 ,有必要对四届理事会进行一次调整。四川省有色金属学会四届三次理事会审议了“关于四川省有色金属学会部份人事和机构调整的提案” ,一致通过并形成如下决 Since the last two sessions of the Fourth Council in January of last year, some comrades should no longer be allowed to remain as directors due to job changes and other reasons. In order to maintain the vitality and vitality of the council, it is necessary to make an adjustment to the council. Sichuan Provincial Nonferrous Metals Society three times the fourth council considered “on the Sichuan Nonferrous Metals Society part of the personnel and institutional adjustment proposal”, unanimously adopted and formed the following decision
Background:Memory complaint is common in the elderly.Recently,it was shown that self-report memory complaint was predictive of cognitive decline.This study aime
按照四川省有色金属学会章程 ,学会每四年召开一次会员代表大会 ,理事会每年召开一次会议。此外 ,每四年左右举办一次学术年会也形成惯例。 2 0 0 1年 1 2月 ,省有色学会第四
目的 探讨妊娠梅毒治疗干预对妊娠结局的影响.方法 筛查有妊娠梅毒病史的孕产妇31例,再次妊娠梅毒时对其梅毒治疗干预.结果 治疗后流产、死胎、死产及有症状的梅毒儿比例均为
Background:Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is commonly associated with barrier dysfunction and inflammation reaction.Glutamine could ameliorate VILI,but i