在举国隆重纪念长征胜利60周年之际,沈尧伊的油画新作《遵义会议》问世了,这是画家继长篇连环画《地球的红飘带》之后,又一部歌颂长征精神、表现重大革命历史题材的成功之作。 以美术形式来表现会议场景是一大难题,独幅画较之连环画更难,而表现遵义会议这样政治性强、历史意义重大的会议,其难度等可想而知。也许正由于这些原因,在我国长期以来的美术作品中,虽然陆续出现了不少歌颂革命历史的传世之作,但表现遵义会议的独幅作品,还很少见。沈尧伊这幅油画的问世,可以说以其艺术上的成绩而填补了中国革命历史画的一项空白。
As the nation celebrated the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, Shen Yaoyi’s new oil painting Zunyi Conference came out. After the long story comic “The Red Ribbon of the Earth,” another song celebrated the spirit of the Long March and demonstrated the success of the major revolutionary historical themes Made for It is a big challenge to represent the conference scene in the form of art. It is more difficult to draw a single picture than to a comic book. It is quite difficult to show such a politically strong and historic meeting as the Zunyi Conference. It is for these reasons that it is rare for Zuoyi’s solo exhibitions to appear in many long-standing works of art in our country, though there have been many handed down the revolutionary history. With the advent of this piece of painting, Shen Yaoyi can be said to fill a blank in the revolutionary history of China with his artistic accomplishments.