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作为中国最著名的高等学府之一,清华人一直谱写着一曲自强不息的奋斗者之歌。 如今,在中国的每一个地方甚至每一个角落,在各行各业,在当代的每一段历史上,都可以发现清华人的身影。在祖国的大西北,这块比较贫瘠的土地上,一个个可歌可泣的清华人留下来一个又一个的足迹,为中国西部大开发奉献出自己的青春和智慧。 据了解,目前在西安工作的清华人少说也有上千人,他们的身影伫立在每一个行业,产生了巨大的影响。比如,院士、建筑设计大师张锦秋,西安的许多有特色的建筑设计作品都出自她的手,像钟鼓楼广场、陕西历史博物馆等,她在塑造城市历史的时候,其实也在传递着清华的骄傲和理想;陈士橹,院士、西北工业大学教授,我国著名的航天专家,在中国的航天事业上做出了卓越的贡献;管晓宏,交大教授,青年学者,以自己的人品和学识在青年一代中树立了楷模;张雅林,西安西开高压电器公司总经理,清华大学硕士毕业后,没有东南飞,而是又回到西安西开高压电器公司,创下了一个又一个的成绩;方红卫,陕西汽车集团总经理,从清华毕业后义无反顾地来到了陕汽,十来年如一日,使陕汽重振起来;王武,民营企业家,他用了十五年功夫,就创下了一串串骄人的业绩;邢玉民,在西安是将高科技引入企业运营的开拓者之一,经过十多年的发展,其思安公司 As one of the most famous institutions of higher learning in China, Tsinghua people have been writing a song of self-improvement and struggling. Nowadays, in every corner of China, or in every corner of the country, Tsinghua can be found in all walks of life and in every stage of the present age. In the vast northwest of the motherland, on this relatively barren land, the epic Qinghua people have left footprints one after another to devote their youth and wisdom to the great development of western China. It is understood that the current Tsinghua people working in Xi’an say there are fewer than a thousand people, their presence in each industry, has had a huge impact. For example, academician and architect Zhang Jinqiu, many of Xi’an’s distinctive architectural designs come from her hands, like the Bell and Drum Tower Square and the Shaanxi History Museum. In shaping the history of the city, she actually passed the pride of Tsinghua University And ideal; Chen Shifang, academician, Professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University, China’s famous aerospace experts, made outstanding contributions to China’s space industry; Guan Xiaohong, Professor of Jiao Tong University, young scholars, with their own character and knowledge in youth Zhang Yalin, Xi’an Xikai, general manager of high-voltage electrical appliances, Tsinghua University, after graduating, there is no southeast flight, but returned to Xi’an Xikai high-voltage electrical company, setting a success; Fang Hongwei, Shaanxi Automobile Group General Manager, after graduating from Tsinghua University hesitate to come to Shaanxi Auto, ten years as a day to make Shaanxi Auto revival; Wang Wu, a private entrepreneur, he spent 15 years Kung Fu, set a string of arrogant People’s performance; Xing Yumin, Xi’an is the pioneer in the introduction of high technology into business operations, after more than 10 years of development, the company Si
综述当前主要的岩爆理论,分析各种岩爆理论的优缺点,对未来的岩爆理论研究发展方向作简要的介绍。 The current main rockburst theory is reviewed, the advantages and disa
一 通感是将听觉,视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉以及意觉等不同感觉相互沟通、交融起来的一种修辞方式。它出自希腊语Synaesthesia,直译为“感受之共产”,又称之为“通觉”或“联觉”,意思是“共同感觉”。1891年,“联觉”被作为词条收进了美国出版的《世纪词典》(Thecentury·Dietiozary)里。
关慎谦,1951年毕业于南开大学工学院机械工程系。 20世纪70年代我国集运业发轫,关慎谦调往交通部水运科学研究所任研究员,从事国际集装箱硬件项目的研制。1977年完成我国第一
读《熊十力思想研究》,令人感到熊十力的人格对于熊十力的哲学具有这样的意味如果他不是这样生存着,那么他的哲学就是大可怀疑的——而这也正是一般儒学的一个关键特征。  五四以来,中国绝大多数思想家都环绕救亡图存、发奋图强这么一个中心目标来开展他们的哲思,在这一点上熊十力也不例外。不过,熊十力与许多思想家的一个重大差别在于,当别人旨在追求国家的强盛时,他追求的是精神的强盛。具体地说,有关国家的强盛,人们容
This paper presents an investigation of specific optical fiber core mode leakage behavior that occurs in high-power double-clad fiber lasers as a result of ther
本文首先介绍了船舶电力系统的特点,并通过对江苏句容电厂码头工程船舶岸电系统设计实例的分析,提出了适用于改建、扩建码头安全、经济可靠的设计方案。 This paper first i