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[目的]通过深入分析青岛市结核病防治管理的问题,进一步理顺防治体系,探讨新的工作模式,为防治决策服务,促进我市结核病防治管理水平。[方法]对本市理顺结核病防治体制方案实施前后的效果变化进行定量分析。[结果]青岛市推行的结核病防治政策增强了预防控制的力量,DOTS管理率提高到90%以上,治愈率或完成疗程率有所提高,失访率降低,病人发现率由47%提高到70%以上,外来人口结核病人得到有效诊治。[结论]医疗资源的合理配置能够增加结核病防治管理的公平性和可及性。但青岛市结核病防治政策有待于进一步完善。体制改革需要不断探索,结核病防治需要科学发展,实现政府承诺,加大财政投入力度,政府购买“医疗服务”是做好结核病防治工作的有力保障。及时实施和完善减免政策,制定结核病医疗费用控制措施是提高结核病防治公益性,解决结核病患者“看病难,看病贵”的重要保证。 [Objective] Through in-depth analysis of the problem of tuberculosis prevention and control in Qingdao, further rationalize the prevention and control system, explore new working modes, and promote the management of tuberculosis prevention and treatment in our city for the purpose of preventing and treating decision-making. [Methods] Quantitative analysis was made on the changes in the effects of rationalization of tuberculosis prevention and control programs in the city before and after implementation. [Results] The prevention and control policies of tuberculosis in Qingdao promoted the power of prevention and control. The management rate of DOTS was increased to above 90%, the cure rate or completed treatment rate was increased, the rate of missed follow-up dropped, and the rate of patients’ discovery was increased from 47% to 70 % Or more, foreign population of TB patients get effective diagnosis and treatment. [Conclusion] The rational allocation of medical resources can increase the fairness and accessibility of tuberculosis control. However, TB prevention and treatment policies in Qingdao need to be further improved. Institutional reform needs to be constantly explored. Tuberculosis prevention and control needs scientific development, achieving government commitment and increasing financial input. The purchase of “medical services” by the government is a powerful guarantee for the prevention and control of tuberculosis. Timely implementation and improvement of the policy of relief, to develop control measures for medical expenses of tuberculosis is to improve the public welfare of tuberculosis prevention and treatment of tuberculosis patients, “see a doctor hard, see a doctor expensive” important guarantee.
认知心理学认为,在人们的整个记忆系统中,感觉记忆(sensory memory,或称感觉储存sensory register)是记忆的第一个阶段,是对信息的最初步加工。它是短时记忆的前提。感觉记
“人之初,性本善”的代言人孟子  “性本善”的始祖是孟子。孟子是谁呢,大家所熟悉的《孟母三迁》中的儿子就是他。当初他的母亲为了让他成才,不惜一次次搬家来给他好的教育环境,而他确实没有辜负母亲的期望,成为了战国时期伟大的思想家、教育家,儒家学派的代表人物。与孔子并称“孔孟”,后世把他追封为“亚圣公”,尊称为“亚圣”。这是有名气到什么程度呢,就是他的一言一行都会被传颂和记录。其弟子及再传弟子就写了一本
目的了解农村地区低档高危场所暗娼人群特征及H IV、乙肝、梅毒感染情况,探讨对农村地区暗娼艾滋病宣传、干预措施。方法对某县低档场所暗娼进行摸底调查,对每次性交易收费在