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《新京报》2008年4月6日发表刘卫东的文章:美国国会能源独立和全球变暖特别委员会于4月1日举行了听证会,对美国5家最大石油公司的高管展开质询。据称事情的起因是一些贫民难以负担自己的汽油开支,而石油公 The Beijing News April 6, 2008 Liu Weidong’s article: The U.S. Congressional Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing on April 1 inquiring about the top five U.S. oil companies. It is said that the cause of the incident is that some poor people can hardly afford to pay for their own petrol, while the petrolowers
Six novel rod-like magnetic liquid crystals have been prepared,in which trans-bicyclohexyl or trans-cyclohexylphenyl and biphenylcarboxylic acid phenyl ester me
介绍了安阳钢铁公司高速线材厂自动化系统配置及主要控制功能。 The configuration and main control functions of the automation system of Anyang Iron & Steel Co.
主要阐述了检验过程中产生测量误差的原因,并系统地分析了测量误差对检验结果的影响。对各影响因素采取预防措施,降低因误差造成的损失。 Mainly elaborates the reason of
An experimental investigation was carried out to study the energy absorption char- acteristics of thin-walled square tubes subjected to dynamic crushing by impa
To develop a potential substitute for sulfurized olefins, a borate ester derivative containing xanthate group (titled BXT) was synthesized and characterized. Me
春姑娘唱完春之歌,伴随着一场春雨,走了。夏姑娘驾着雷车来到人间,她迫不及待地唱起了夏之歌,从四月唱到八月。听到她浪漫、迷人、优雅的歌声,小动物们都陶醉了。  不知疲倦的知了用它那奔放的歌喉、激情的腔调,在树上一遍又一遍地唱着“热死了,热死了”,从四月唱到八月。小朋友们心急火燎地从家里跑出来,“扑通、扑通”地跳到河里洗起痛快的冷水澡,仿佛夏天的炎热是知了们闹出来的。  青蛙也想来凑热闹,可它们怕自己