
来源 :中国工运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyudream
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在中央党的群团工作会议上,习近平总书记指出:“我们工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织是党直接领导的群众组织,承担着动员广大人民群众为完成党的中心任务而共同奋斗的重大责任。没有先进性,怎么能组织动员群众前进呢?”这段关于群团组织先进性的阐述,指明了群团工作的发展方向,凸显了群团组织在国家政治生活中的重要地位和责任担当。一、先进性是我国工会组织的本质特性长期以来,我们注重工会组织的政治性、群众性,但对先进性缺少深入研究。因此,理解和把握先进性 At the mass-group working conference of the Central Party Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Our trade unions, the Communist Youth League and the Women’s Federation are the mass organizations directly under the leadership of the Party and undertake to mobilize the broad masses of the people to work together for the accomplishment of the party’s central task How can we organize and mobilize the masses to move forward? ”This elaboration on the advanced nature of mass organizations pointed out the development direction of mass organizations and highlighted the importance of mass organizations in the political life of the country Status and responsibility. First, the nature of advancement is an essential characteristic of our trade union organizations For a long time, we have focused on the political and mass nature of trade union organizations, but we have not studied in depth the advanced nature. Therefore, to understand and grasp the advanced nature
[指导] 学会“装扮” 自己的文章 ——谈谈修改文章 蔡雄辉 一个人有了天生的容貌,还需要恰当地打扮,生活中有“三分长相,七分装扮”
梁凤仪一直是个敢作敢为的女子——成功创业、才华横溢、嫁入豪门,世上女子想拥有的梦想,她几乎都实现了。创办公司,3年净赚9 000万;写小说,10年出版超100部;爱我所爱,丈夫为香港商界翘楚,投资遍布全球各地。但是,她的人生并非一帆风顺:14岁,父亲生意破产,一家人为了支付她的学费,不得不搬到廉租屋去;38岁,第一次婚姻结束;39岁,因厌倦不同派别的办公室政治,递了辞呈。谁能想到,辞职不过一年的工
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品茶原是老年人的“专利”,而我却也有这种爱好。品茶,是一种乐趣,一种崇高的精神享受,一种休闲的方式。 Tea was originally a “patent” of the elderly, but I also hav