
来源 :焊接通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzbhwh
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CO_2气体保成护焊具有生,产率高本低,焊接质量好,变形小,焊缝成型美观,无渣壳,操作简单,能全位置焊接等优点,是一种先进的焊接工艺,已在国内造船,化工,石油,机械及国防工业等各行业中逐渐推广使用,并越来越显示出它的优越性了。近年来,我厂曾试验或在生产中使用了CO_2气体保护管状焊丝半自动焊,Ar气、CO_2气混台气体保护半自动焊,以及Ar气、CO_2气混合气体保护窄间隙粗丝自动焊等,在生产中发挥了一定的作用,深受工人群众的欢迎,初步尝到了甜头。一、CO_2气体保护焊在锅炉设备结构件上的应用实例我厂金结车间是制造锅炉设备中各种钢结构件的冷作车间,产品有锅炉的钢架、燃烧设备、烟风道和予热器等,这类 CO_2 gas holdup welding is a kind of advanced welding process with high yield and low cost, good welding quality, small deformation, beautiful weld appearance, no slag shell, simple operation and full position welding. In the domestic shipbuilding, chemical, petroleum, machinery and defense industries and other industries gradually promote the use, and more and more to show its superiority. In recent years, our factory has used semi-automatic welding of CO 2 gas-shielded tubular welding wire, semi-automatic welding of Ar gas and CO 2 gas mixed with gas, and narrow gap thick wire automatic welding of Ar gas and CO 2 gas mixed gas protection. In production played a certain role, welcomed by the workers, the initial taste of the sweetness. First, the CO_2 gas shielded welding equipment in the boiler structure of the application examples Our factory is the junction of the manufacturing plant in the boiler equipment, a variety of steel structure of the cold workshop, the product has the boiler steel frame, combustion equipment, smoke duct and to Heaters, etc., this type
举重是一项与人类历史一样古老的运动,是对人类力量的最直接展现。举重是力量、速度、技巧、专注力和把握时机能力的结合。超重量级举重选手在世界上常被 Weightlifting is
本文主要运用地貭学和地貌学方法对华北地台的新构造运动作一初步探討。一、华北地台新构造运动基本特征(图1) 华北地台新构造运动的性貭及其在空間和时間上的分布变化規律
1600吨钢丝预应力缠绕结构水压机是同型12000吨车轮成形及航空盘件热模锻水压机的工艺性能试验模拟样机,亦是发展这种结构的 1,600 tons of steel wire prestressed windin
西。≯;i撼. :..、·《≤。囊嚣i爹簿震2簪:j|≮蘧麓÷±1、统计时间截止2001年1月31日.涉案国家和地区达29个。2、累计数字中包括反补贴案件1起(秘鲁聚乙烯编织袋案)。序号