1999年的晚秋,比尔·盖茨感受到深深的寒意,微软公司的敌人从没有像今天这样多、Netscapc、Sun、Oracle、IBM、Compaq、Apple甚至Intel都把对微软的积怨公诸于众,11月10日、比尔·盖茨在股东大会上向 2500名微软股东保证,公司将尽力处理好与政府就微软垄断案发生的分歧,但同时他更强调,微软不会放弃在Windows系统中加入网络浏览器功能的做法,因为微软的创新能力不能被剥夺。
In the late autumn of 1999, Bill Gates felt a deep chill. Microsoft’s enemies were never as many as they are today. Netscapc, Sun, Oracle, IBM, Compaq, Apple, and even Intel all disclosed their grudges against Microsoft. On November 10th, Bill Gates assured 2,500 Microsoft shareholders at the shareholders’ meeting that the company will try its best to handle the differences with the government regarding the Microsoft monopoly case, but at the same time, he stressed that Microsoft will not give up on Windows systems. The practice of adding web browser functionality because Microsoft’s ability to innovate cannot be denied.