
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyy2483
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目前我国民兵专业技术兵的组训和储备带有较大的盲目性。突出的问题并非是数量不够,而是兵种不配套、结构不合理、业务素质差,专业对口率低。中等人口的一般地区、专业技术兵的数量即使保持在现有的规模上、战时也足以组建一个甲种陆军师,但兵员结构与目前现役陆军师所需技术兵的专业对口率尚不到50%,其中低层次的普通专业技术兵过剩,高层次的 At present, the training and reserve of professional militiamen in our country are relatively blind. Prominent issue is not the number is not enough, but the arms are not complete, the structure is irrational, poor professional quality, professional counterparts rate is low. Even in moderately populated areas, the number of professional and technical service soldiers is enough to form a Class A army division in wartime even when maintained on an existing scale. However, the professional connection between the structure of the armies and that of the currently employed military divisions is still low 50%, of which low-level general professional and technical soldiers surplus, high-level
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爱尔兰作家乔伊斯患有眼疾,过了50岁视力更是下降严重。家人便在报纸上刊登了招聘启事,打算找一位代写员来帮助他写作。  没多久,几十位文学爱好者便慕名而来。乔伊斯送给每个人一本自己的作品《尤利西斯》,让他们回去好好阅读,一周后再来。  一周过去了,应聘者早早赶来。乔伊斯没出任何考题,便抱歉地说:“我已经找到合适的人选了,大家请回吧!”对此,大家都忿忿不平,说乔伊斯欺骗了他们。无奈,乔伊斯只能继续解释
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阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。  一个刚上车的小男孩请公交车司机等一等他妈妈。过了一分钟,孩子妈妈还没到,车上乘客开始埋怨,说母子俩耽误了大家时间。这时,那位腿有残疾的母亲一瘸一拐地上了车,所有人沉默了。  要求:①结合材料的内容和含义,选准角度,明确立意。②自拟标题,自选文体(诗歌除外),不少于800字。③不得套作,不得抄袭。  早春的气息,早已被撕碎,躁动的人群,一如车内闷热的空气。碎语陡然间
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美国人口1983年底为23522万人,其中男约11451万人,女12071万人。官方预测,人口发展的可能趋势是:1990年,24973.1万人;1995年,25963.1 By the end of 1983, the population
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