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今年一季度,全国工业生产保持了较快增长势头。累计完成工业增加值4470亿元,比上年同期增长10.1%,增速比去年一季度快1.9个百分点。其中3月当月完成增加值1670亿元,比上年同月增长9%。一季度工业生产主要情况:1.国有企业增速明显加快,非国有企业保持较快增长。一季度,国有及国有控股企业完成增加值2575亿元,比上年同期增长8.3%,增速比去年一季度加快5个百分点。国有企业对经济增长的拉动 In the first quarter of this year, the country’s industrial production maintained its momentum of rapid growth. The accumulated industrial value added amounted to 447 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1% over the same period of last year, and the growth rate was 1.9 percentage points faster than the first quarter of last year. The value added during the month of March was 167 billion yuan, an increase of 9% from the same month of last year. The main conditions of industrial production in the first quarter were as follows: 1. The growth rate of state-owned enterprises was noticeably accelerated, and non-state-owned enterprises maintained rapid growth. In the first quarter, state-owned and state-controlled enterprises achieved an added value of 255.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% over the same period of last year, and the growth rate was 5 percentage points higher than the first quarter of last year. State-owned enterprises pull the economic growth
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NEC 不仅以多年丰富的系统集成经验全力协助CEInet 的建设,而且一直致力于为客户提供更完善的服务体系。NEC 日电系统集成(中国)有限公司现有员工140余人,其中技术人员占70%
1998年山东省电子行业工作会议3月3日至4日在济南珍珠泉宾馆召开。参加会议的有各市地电子工业主管部门、省局机关各处室和重点企事业单位的主要负责同志,共140人。 In 1998
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