
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong583
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Background: Survival of neonates with critical aortic stenosi s has improved over the past decade. Models based on morphological characteristi cs have been designed to help determine whether early survival is more likely af ter biventricular repair (surgical or balloon aortic valvotomy) or after a singl e ventricle staged palliative surgical strategy. However, late follow up data ar e lacking. Objective: To report follow up data on survivors of neonatal aortic v alvotomy who had persistent pulmonary hypertension caused by restriction to left ventricular filling. Results: Of four medium term survivors of neonatal valvoto my for critical aortic stenosis who had persistent pulmonary hypertension, one d ied aged 4 years and the other three have severe limitation of effort tolerance. Conclusions: This previously unreported late complication of “successful”bive ntricular repair for neonatal critical aortic stenosis is an important considera tion in determining the initial management. Background: Survival of neonates with critical aortic stenosis has been designed to help determine whether early survival is more likely af ter biventricular repair (surgical or balloon aortic valvotomy) or after a singl Objective: To report follow up data on survivors of neonatal aortic v alvotomy who had persistent pulmonary hypertension caused by restriction to left ventricular filling. Results: Of four medium term survivors of neonatal valvoto my for critical aortic stenosis who had persistent pulmonary hypertension, one d ied aged 4 years and the other three have severe limitation of effort tolerance. Conclusions: This previously unreported late complication of “successful” bive ntricular repair for neonatal critical aortic stenosis is an important consideraion in determining the initial management.
李嘉诚和一枚硬币 一次在取汽车钥匙时,李嘉诚不慎丢落一枚2元硬币。,硬币滚到车底。当时他估计若汽车开动,硬币会掉到坑渠里。李嘉诚及时蹲下身欲拾取。此时旁边一名印度籍