
来源 :政工研究动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxiao13421
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围绕发展这一执政为民的第一要务做文章,千方百计为职工群众谋利益。执政为民是共产党执政的本质要求。坚持执政为民,实现好、维护好和发展好职工群众的根本利益,关键在发展,首要的是生产力的发展。十六大强调:“发展必须坚持以经济建设为中心”。对于企业来说经济效益是基础,只有经济效益的发展才能带 Focus on the first priority of developing this ruling party for the people and do everything possible to seek interests for the workers and the masses. Being in Power for the People is the Essential Requirement of the Communist Party in Power. To uphold the principle of governing for the people, realizing the fundamental interests of the masses of workers and workers in order to achieve good, maintain and develop well, the key lies in the development. The most important thing is the development of the productive forces. The 16th CPC National Congress stressed: “Development must adhere to economic construction as the center.” For enterprises, economic benefits are the foundation, only the development of economic benefits can be brought
管理好一个不断壮大的公司远比创业时想出一个绝妙的好主意要难得多;当不能绝对控股的时候,一旦发生矛盾,其他合伙人联手表决,你就会有出局的可能。 It is far more difficu
随着新课程标准的全面实施,近年来关于平面直角坐标系的中考题,又出现了许多新题型.这类题着重考查同学们灵活运用知识的能力及创新能力.现举例说明如下. With the full imp
能力的提高往往不是从成功的经验中来,而是从失败的教训中来。 The improvement of ability often comes not from the successful experience, but from the failure of th
如果把创一流、创建学习型企业比喻为一盘棋的话,那么安徽宿州供电局最善使用的是“激励”这颗棋子。该局推出一系列激励措施: If the first-class, creating a learning e
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