Make Architecture be Fine Arts and Humanities

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  Recently, "New National Urbanization Plan (2014-2020)" has been introduced, which proposes toraise the proportion of the urban green building from 2% in 2012 t0 50% in 2020 in order to improve theenvironmental quality. However, 95% of Chinese existing buildings are high energy consumption. How tomake the proportion from 2% t0 50% needs consideration.
  To explore the feasibility of the plan, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. He Zhisan, President ofJunye Real Estate Development Company Ltd. In the interview, Mr. He Zhisan gave his views on greenbuilding and how to increase the number of green buildings from the perspective of enterprise and market.
  Q:Please talk about your views ongreen building in p practice.
  A:I think green building will be thefuture direction of construction inmany aspects. The green building isnot only the building with afforest,but the architecture in all aspects,including water, land, energy, mate-rials, environmental protection andother aspects. The design of opera-tions applies more stringent energystandards that are low-carbon, mak-ing more comfortable and healthy.Our Junye building project is inaccordance with this standard. Ithink the real green building shouldmeet with six indicators inclduingthe outdoor environment, energyconservation and energy use, waterconservation and water use, materialsand material resources, indoor en-vironmental quality and operationalmanagement requirements.
  Q:If you consider that greenbuildings apply the standard ofJunye building projects, will therebe some real estate companieswhich cannot afford the develop-ment costs of the case? Do youthink six years is enough to achievethe huge leap proportion from 2%t0 50%?
  A:Green building is not an expensivebuilding, and not too heavy for theenterprise financial burden: Gener-ally speaking, it will reduce more than60% the construction ofwater, 80% ofwood, 20% of waste of materials, 80%of construction garbage, more than 70%ofoverall energy consumption construc-tion, and the construction period canbe shortened 30-70%, so it actuallyincreases the little or negligible cost. Inaddition, there are state financial sub-sidies now, so there is no contradictionbetween green building and economicbenefits. As for time, I believe thatthrough continuous learning, adapta-tion and improvement, this goal can beachieved eventually.
  Q:When you usually developmentprojects: how to coordinate en-ergy saving, design effects and eco-nomic benefits?   A:In fact, as a president and designer,I set the most direct and ultimaterelationship with the society with theproduct, which is the building itself, soin my mind the architectural design andquality are much larger than the pursuitof profit or the market capitalization.I always want to be able to make theJunye real estate as Apple in the realestate industry; therefore, I have beenstudying its complete independence andthoughtful design, and strive to be per-fect in every detail. In usual design, aslong as you keep the energy-saving andenvironmental protection standards andalways in mind, you will avoid conflictsbetween environmental protection andenergy saving design effect.
  Q:The real estate has been throughchallanges. What's your sugges-tions?
  A:The process of growing a businesswill certainly encounter various dif-ficulties, but we Junye have not met sofar funding chain problems from theestablishment.tHe prices of every pieceofland will stick to my bottom line, notfollowing the market. A reasonable landprice makes the risk the lowest and thendevelop the best value of the land withthe best design and excellent marketing,which is the way we Junye have beengone through. We adhere to green realestate with caution, and I believe we willhave a better future.
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