Population lifetime data from various countries in the world show that the average life expectancy of women is 7 years longer than that of men. Why is this? 1 Women’s Safer Jobs Men are more likely to engage in dangerous occupations and occupations such as driving and mining, while women are more likely to be employed in low-risk occupations such as clerical, medical, literary, educational and domestic work. The risk of premature death and disability is low For men. 2 more healthy women’s habits Men have more smoking, alcohol and other unhealthy lifestyles, causing high incidence of chronic diseases, more likely to cause premature death and disability, while women are the opposite. 3 Women More Health As a general rule, women pay more attention to personal hygiene and food hygiene than men, thus reducing the chances of contracting the disease. 4 women cry and nagging For men, crying is often considered detrimental to the image of men,