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10月9日至10日,粤桂黔高铁经济带工业博览会在柳州国际会展中心举办。会上展出了高新技术、智能机器人、高端装备制造、汽车以及生物制药等高新展品,让人大开眼界,同时也充分展示了粤桂黔三地携手发展的光明前景。在广州展馆中,珠江钢琴集团携珠江钢琴、恺撒堡钢琴、艾茉森数码钢琴等产品代表广州亮相本次展览会。10月9日上午10点30分,自治区党委常委、自治区常务副主席蓝天立,贵州省委常委、副省长慕德贵,广东省副省长何忠友,中国社科院学部委员、经济学专家汪 From October 9 to October 10, the Guangdong-Guangxi-Guizhou High-speed Rail Economic Belt Industrial Fair was held in Liuzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. High and new technologies, intelligent robots, high-end equipment manufacturing, automobiles and biopharmaceuticals were exhibited at the fair, giving people an eye-opener. Meanwhile, they also fully demonstrated the bright future of the joint development of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou. In the Guangzhou Pavilion, Pearl River Piano Group took Pearl River Piano, Caesar Fort Piano, Ai Mo Sen digital piano and other products on behalf of Guangzhou debut this exhibition. At 10:30 on October 9, standing member of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, standing vice chairman of the autonomous region blue sky, Guizhou Provincial Committee, Vice Governor Mu Takui, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province He Zhongyou, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, economics expert Wang
The present study was aimed at the comparison of the pharmacokinetics of pure chlorogenic acid and extract of Solanum lyratum Thunb.The animals were allocated t
AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat a
本文就第四纪红土所发育的三种不同地势和不同肥力的水稻士的微团聚体特性,进行初步研究,其结果可概括为如下两点: (1)三种水稻土中钠分散微团聚体(C_1)的含量都在10%以下。