解放思想深化改革 繁荣发展文化事业——贺国强潘心城到文化系统进行工作调研——吴凤章厅长汇报了当前文化工作的情况 省领导作了重要指示

来源 :福建艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ninghaitao
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8月25日,赤日炎炎,热浪袭人。省长贺国强、副省长潘心城带领省政府副秘书长林辉、省委宣传部副部长黄启章、省政府办公厅副主任凌月明、省财政厅厅长庄友松、省计委副主任刘群心及省政府办公厅的同志,在省文化厅厅长吴凤章,副厅长郭勋安、范碧云、方彦富的陪同下到省文化厅及省、市文艺单位作调研,贺国强一行用一整天时间视察了福建省 August 25, red hot, heat waves hit people. Governor He Guoqiang, Vice Governor Pan Xincheng led the Provincial Deputy Secretary-General Lin Hui, Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Huang Qizhang, deputy director of the provincial government Lingyue Ming, Provincial Department of Finance Director Zhuangyou Song, deputy director of the provincial planning committee Liu heart and the provincial government Accompanied by Wu Fengzhang, director of the Provincial Department of Culture, Guo Hoon-an, Fan Biyun and Fang Yanfu, the chief of the General Office went to the Provincial Department of Culture and provincial and municipal cultural and art institutes for investigation. He and his entourage spent a full day visiting Fujian Province
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