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老年黄斑变性已是老年人致盲眼病之一,在病变的不同时期和发展过程其视功能的变化情况如何?本文综合地应用心理物理学和视觉电生理的方法,对15例(26只眼),年龄52~66岁,平均60.1岁,男性9例,女性6例,干性型22只眼,湿性型4只眼的一组病人全部眼都完成了视力,对比敏感度、视野、暗适应、色觉、眼电图、视网膜电图和视诱发电位的测试,并对另外的8个分散组分别进行了上述8项视功能之中的一项测定。结果表明在15例病人组、各项视功能的异常率不均等,其中色觉、眼电图、视网膜电图和视诱发电位的异常率较高,较接近,分别为57.3%,50.0%,53.8%,46.1%。有18只眼的视力仍≥1.0,但其中已有10只眼(55.0%)色觉异常.7只眼(38.9%)眼电图异常,10只眼(55.0%)视网膜电图异常,7只眼(38.9%)视诱发电位异常。在各分散组,除 ERG 之外,各项视功能的改变在湿性型较干性型为明显,经统计学分析,两型间的差异均有显著性意义(P<0.05)。这些说明老年黄斑变性眼,即使在视力尚好的情况下,已可出现其它各项视功能的改变,随病变的发展,视功能的异常率也越高,多项视功能的检测有利于对本病视功能损伤作全面了解。 Age-related macular degeneration is one of the causes of blindness in the elderly. How the visual function changes at different stages of the disease and its development? In this paper, we use the methods of psychophysics and visual electrophysiology to analyze the changes of visual function in 15 cases (26 eyes ), Aged 52-66 years (average 60.1 years), 9 males, 6 females, 22 dry eyes and 4 eyes wetted eyes. All patients underwent visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, visual field and darkness Adaptation, color vision, electrooculogram, electroretinography, and evoked potentials, respectively, and one of the eight visual functions was performed on the other eight dispersive groups, respectively. The results showed that in 15 patients, abnormalities of various visual functions were not equal. The abnormalities of color vision, electrooculogram, electroretinography and visual evoked potentials were relatively close, which were 57.3%, 50.0% and 53.8 %, 46.1%. Eighteen eyes had a visual acuity of ≥1.0, but 10 of them (55.0%) had abnormal color vision. Seven eyes (38.9%) had abnormal EEG, 10 eyes (55.0%) had abnormal electroretinography, and seven Eye (38.9%) visual evoked potential abnormalities. In each decentralized group, except for ERG, the changes of visual function were more obvious in wet type than in dry type. There was significant difference between the two types (P <0.05) by statistical analysis. These shows that the age-related macular degeneration of the eye, even in the case of good eyesight, there have been other changes in visual function, with the development of the disease, the higher the abnormal rate of visual function, a number of visual function test is conducive to this Disease as a comprehensive understanding of functional damage.
高眼压症的治疗仍是一个高度争论的课题。在世界文献中高眼压症开始治疗的标准很不一样。有下列三方面作为衡量决策的考虑: 一、什么是病人发生视野损害的危险。二、什么是预
安乃近引起急性喉水肿少见。作者近遇1例,报告如下。 女,65岁。1987年6月9日晚,因牙痛口服安乃近1片。1小时后嘴唇发麻、发胀,自服扑尔敏8mg,维生素C200mg。半小时后声嘶,时