Telemetric Data Reveals Ecolgoically Adaptive Behavior of Captive Raised Chinese Giant Salamanders W

来源 :Asian Herpetological Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forest_28
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Little is known about the ecology of the Chinese Giant Salamander(Andrias davidianus),a critically endangered species.Such information is needed to make informed decisions concerning the conservation and management of this species.Four A.davidianus raised in a pool were released into their native habitat on 04 May 2005 and were subsequently radio-tracked for approximately 155–168 days.Following their release,the giant salamanders traveled upstream in search of suitable micro-habitats,and settled after 10 days.Later,a devastating summer flash flood destroyed the salamanders’ dens,triggering another bout of habitat searching by the animals.Eventually,the salamanders settled in different sections of the stream where they remained until the end of the study.On average,each habitat searching endeavor took 7.5 days,during which a giant salamander explored a 310 m stretch of stream with a surface area of about 1157 m2and occupied 3.5 temporary dwellings.Each giant salamander spent an average of 144.5 days in semi-permanent micro-habitats,and occupied territories that had a mean size of 34.75 m2.Our results indicate that the Chinese giant salamander responds to habitat disturbance by seeking new habitats upstream,both water temperature and water level affect the salamander’s habitat searching activity,and the size of the salamander’s semi-permanent territory is influenced by the size of the pool containing the animal’s den. Little is known about the ecology of the Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus), a critically endangered species. Information is needed to make a decision on the conservation and management of this species. Flow A. davidianus raised in a pool were released into their native habitat on 04 May 2005 and were subsequently radio-tracked for approximately 155-168 days. Popular their release, the giant salamanders traveled upstream in search of suitable micro-habitats, and settled after 10 days. Water, a devastating summer flash flood destroyed the salamanders’ dens, triggering another bout of habitat searching by the animals.Eventually, the salamanders settled in different sections of the stream where they yet until the end of the study .On average, each habitat searching endeavor took 7.5 days, during which a giant salamander explored a 310 m stretch of stream with a surface area of ​​about 1157 m2and occupied 3.5 temporary dwellings.Each giant salamander spent an averag e of 144.5 days in semi-permanent micro-habitats, and occupied territories that had a mean size of 34.75 m2.Our results that that the Chinese giant salamander responds to habitat disturbance by seeking new habitats upstream, both water temperature and water level affect the salamander’s habitat searching activity, and the size of the salamander’s semi-permanent territory is influenced by the size of the pool containing the animal’s den.
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社会的飞速发展,复合型人才受到各行各业的青睐,这促使教育改革更加深入,随3+x型高考的普及,近几年各地中考试卷也加强了理化综合试题的测试.下面列举几例,并略加分析. Wit
教师在进行课堂教学之前需要备课,在为保证教学质量的情况下,教师可以对个别学生做有针对性的课课辅导。备课是一项必不可少的工作,它为顺利进行课堂教学做好了充分的准备和保障;课堂教学和课后辅导是相对艰巨的工作,它是教师传道授业解惑的重要步骤。此外,作为教师,还要考虑到其他方面的问题,为做好学生的工作而贡献自己一份力量。  一、备课要备学生  作为一名教师,在进入课堂教学之前,就要做好充分的、丰富的备课准