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面对市场持续下滑、价格多次下跌、矿井资源不足等困难,如何进一步突出效益主题,抵御市场“寒冬”?作为一个有着40多年历史的老企业,神宁集团大武口洗煤厂主动适应逆势发展新常态,通过强化管控、提升管理、科技创新等措施,把实现效益最大化作为硬性指标来抓,聚合力,降成本,促提升,在困境中博弈,在逆境中奋起,有效化解市场持续低迷给企业发展造成的不利影响,使企业在逆境中顺利实现了安全、生产、经营等既定目标。抓教育:转变观念提认识“观念不转,积重难返。面对 Faced with the continuous decline in the market, the price dropped several times, the mine is not enough resources and other difficulties, how to further highlight the benefits of the theme, to resist the market As a 40-year-old enterprise, Shenning Group Dawukou coal washing plant take the initiative to adapt Against the background of the new normal development, through measures such as strengthening management and control, improving management and scientific and technological innovations, the realization of maximization of benefits is taken as a hard indicator, and the cohesion, cost reduction and promotion are promoted. The downturn in the market has adversely affected the development of the enterprise, enabling the enterprises to successfully achieve the stated objectives of safety, production and operation in the face of adversity. Grasp education: change the concept to mention awareness ”concept does not turn, accumulate
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随着社会经济和信息技术的快速发展,我国已逐渐步入“互联网+”时代.在“互联网+”环境中,图书馆管理工作正面临前所未有 的机遇和挑战.因此,研究和探讨“互联网+”环境中图
摘 要: 本文作者所从事的是高职学院计算机网络技术专业的教学工作,多年来为提高教育教学质量,一直在积极进行着教学方法与教学手段的研究与实践。本文以计算机网络专业课程的教学为切入点,对项目教学法,理实一体化教学法,以及任务驱动教学法等六种适应高职学生特点的教育教学方法进行了分析、比较,对职业院校其他专业也具有借鉴作用。  关键字: 高等职业教育 教育教学方法 高职学生特点    1.引言  高职学生
Properties of components and tools can be improved by the combination of coating and heat treatment processes due to the addition of single process advantages a
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