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张建京,中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、河南省书画院学术委员、洛阳市文联委员、洛阳市美术家协会秘书长、洛阳市书法家协会理事、洛阳画院画家。作品主要入选、获奖:全国第五届书法篆刻展;全国第五届中青年书法篆刻家作品展;全国第二届流行书风、流行印风作品展;首届中国美术金彩奖全国美术作品展;河南省首届山水画艺术展一等奖;河南省中国画首次晋京展精品奖;2002年全国中国画展;纪念延安文艺座谈会讲话发表六十周年全国美术作品展河南展区金奖、全国优秀作品奖;第五届全国体育美术作品展;全国第二届中国画展优秀作品奖;西泠印社首届中国印、中国书法、中国画大展;河南省第十届美术作品展银奖;河南省优秀青年山水画家作品展;中原画风代表画家作品展等。作品主要出版:河南美术出版社《洛阳道》、《宣和遗韵·张建京》;河北美术出版社《中国山水画名家·山水画技法分解图典》、《名家山水小品画集》;古吴轩出版社《当代中青年艺术家佳作选·河南卷》、《当代国画名家扇画图典·山水卷》;天津人民美术出版社《彩墨牡丹画法》;荣宝斋出版社《张建京·水墨时态中国新水墨发现大系》等。作品主要发表:《美术》、《美术界》、《国画家》、《东方艺术》、《艺术状态》、《水墨》、《美术大观》、《美术报》、《中国书画报》、《书法报》、《书法导报》、《中国书画》等专业报刊。2004年被中共河南省委宣传部授予首批“河南省宣传文化系统四个一批人才”称号。2006年被《中国画拍卖》等杂志读者评为当代最具学术价值与升值潜力的“中国画一百家”之一。 Zhang Jianjing, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, an academic committee of Henan Calligraphy and Painting Institute, a member of Luoyang City Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a secretary general of Luoyang Artists Association, a director of Luoyang Calligraphers Association and a painter of Luoyang Art Academy. Selected works, the award: the fifth calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition; the fifth young middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition; the second popular book style, popular Indian style exhibition; the first Chinese art golden color national art exhibition; First Prize of Henan Province First Landscape Painting Art Exhibition; First Prize of Jin Jing Exhibition of Chinese Paintings of Henan Province; National Chinese Painting Exhibition in 2002; Commemorative Ceremony of Yan’an Literature and Art Forum 60th Anniversary of National Art Exhibition in Henan Province; Fifth National Sports Art Exhibition; Second National Exhibition of Chinese Painting Award for outstanding works; Xiling Yinshe Society first China India, China Calligraphy, Chinese Painting Exhibition; Henan Province, the tenth art exhibition Silver Award; outstanding young landscape painter in Henan Province Works Exhibition; Central Plains style on behalf of the painter exhibitions. Works mainly published in: Henan Fine Arts Publishing House “Luoyang Road”, “Xuanhe Rhyming · Zhang Jianjing”; Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House “Chinese landscape painter landscape painting techniques decomposition map”, “famous landscapes sketch collection”; ancient Wu Xuan Press “Contemporary young and middle-aged artists good works of selected volumes of Henan”, “contemporary Chinese painting masters fan painting map landscape volume”; Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House “color ink peony painting method” Rong Bao Zhai Press “Zhang Jianjing ink Chinese tense new Ink found grand department ”and so on. His works are mainly published in the fields of art, art, painter, oriental art, state of art, ink painting, grand view of art, art newspaper, Chinese calligraphy and painting, calligraphy Newspaper “,” Calligraphy Guide “,” Chinese painting and calligraphy “and other professional newspapers and periodicals. In 2004 by the CPC Henan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department awarded the first ”Henan publicity and cultural system of a group of four talents“ title. In 2006, he was chosen as one of the ”100 Hundred Chinese Paintings“ with the most academic value and potential appreciation in contemporary magazine readership such as ”Chinese Painting Auction".