
来源 :温州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:az137724907
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职业性铅中毒临床上并非罕见,文献报道较多,但产妇使用锡壶饮酒引起蓄积性铅中毒至今国内未见报道。我科自1986—1987年共收治的10例,其中2例曾作尿铅测定,报导如下。 [例1]:女,24岁,永加县人,产后26天出现腹绞痛入院。患者自产后第6天开始饮用锡壶盛装的热酒,每日1—5两,于产后26天出现腹痛,呈阵发性发作,每次持续数分钟至数小时,可放射至腰部,伴恶心,无吐、腹胀明显,便秘,纳差。体检:神清,合作,贫血貌,巩膜无黄染,齿龈未见铅线,心肺正常。腹软,膨隆,肝脾未及, Occupational lead poisoning is not uncommon clinically, there are many reports in the literature, but there is no report about accumulative lead poisoning caused by drinking maternal tin pot. Our department from 1986 to 1987 were treated in 10 cases, of which 2 cases of urine lead determination, reported as follows. [Example 1]: Female, 24 years old, Yongjia County, 26 days postpartum abdominal colic were admitted. Six days after the birth of patients began drinking tin jugs hot wine, 1-5 per day two days after the onset of postpartum abdominal pain, paroxysmal onset, each lasting several minutes to several hours, can be discharged to the waist, with Nausea, no spit, bloating obvious, constipation, anorexia. Physical examination: Shen Qing, cooperation, anemia, sclera no yellow dye, no lead line gums, normal heart and lungs. Abdominal soft, bulging, liver and spleen yet,
Thirty-two cases of ovarian carcinoma, two of normal ovaries, four of benign epithelial ovarian tumor, and three of borderline epithelial ovarian tumor were stu
Cytomegaloviral hepatitis is an infantile liver disease commonly encountered in China,which could be differentiated into 4 patterns with different clinical cond
1 发病机理和原因 1.1 临产时的子宫收缩在正常情况下是有节律性、对称性和极性的。即子宫体部肌肉产生有规则的、频率和强度逐渐增加的收缩,它是由子宫底部两侧开始向中央
本文总结60例高危妊娠和30例正常妊娠分娩过程,探讨了催产素静滴引产的有关问题。临床结果表明:催产素静滴催产的初滴速度5~10mU/min 是适宜的,其递增的梯度为0.5U/100ml,即以