
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:timeman
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身高是生长发育的基本指标,是正确评价儿童发育特征和计算发育速度不可缺少的依据。身高测量,看来容易,但稍不注意也会引起极大的误差。特别是有的学校使用常见的体重秤附设的身高检查尺,引起误差较大。有的人甚至认为该尺不够准确;这是个很常见的问题。现将我们在工作中遇到的一起误差报告如下: 1 对象与方法 Height is the basic indicator of growth and development, which is an indispensable basis for correctly evaluating children’s developmental characteristics and calculating the speed of development. Height measurement, it seems easy, but a little attention can also cause great error. In particular, some schools use a common weight scale attached to the height checker, causing greater error. Some people even think that the ruler is not accurate enough; this is a very common question. Now we encounter at work with the error reported as follows: 1 objects and methods