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日前,广东英德市茧丝龙头企业大信茧丝绸公司隆重接牌。据介绍,英德市大信茧丝绸有限公司是广东省政府在茧丝绸产业方面招商引资的第一个项目,通过与广东省农科院蚕业与农产品加工研究所的紧密合作,依托其 Recently, Yingde City, Guangdong cocoon silk company Daxin cable solemnly accepted. According to reports, Yingde City, Daxin Silk Co., Ltd. is the cocoon silk industry in Guangdong Province, the first investment projects, through cooperation with the Guangdong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Sericulture and agro-processing Institute of close cooperation, relying on
Eckersley父子所编的Essential English 第一册第156页有这么一句:“Which man is nearer the chair—Mr.Brown(the man with a stick)orMr.Green(the man without a stick)
与许多头脑简单、四肢发达的运动员不同,身材挺拔、容貌靓丽的汉图楚娃举手投足之间透着那么一股斯 Unlike many simple-minded, well-prepared athletes, Hartochova, who
在新疆没有吃过烤包子的人恐怕并不多,这种通常五毛钱一个的维吾尔族名小吃在新疆各地的大街小巷并不少见。但你知道吗?有一个29岁的维吾尔族青年以一个三四平方的小橱窗卖烤包子开始创业起步,在短短的4年时间里已在首府开了四家连锁店……   他就是敢于将通常五毛钱一个的烤包子卖到一元钱的马木提特色烤包子连锁店的主人马木提。     烤包子赚得第一桶金    虽然父亲卖了一辈子的烤包子,年少的马木提却并不怎么
下列各句译文都有错误,试请改正。答案见另页。1.我们必须为人民向敌人报大屠杀之仇。We must avenge the enemy for the people about the massacre。2.孩子们该去睡觉了。
谓语应在人称上同主语一致,一般说来这并不困难,但有些情况比较特殊,因此在确定谓语的形式时,还要考虑到主语的实际概念和位置等. Ⅰ一个名词作主语时,除一般情况外,有下列
It’s nicer when you actually earn it.Lottery winners,trust-fund babies and oth-ers who get their money without workingfor it do not get as much satisfaction f
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The strongest value I grew up with is that we mustdo everything to the best of our ability no matter howlong it takes. The strongest value I grew up with is t
1.We must avenge the people on the enemy for the massacre, “avenge”与中文“报仇”用法不同,请注意“报仇者”、“被报仇者”、“仇人”、“报……仇”英语和汉语词