
来源 :人大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hou0608
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日本在明治维新时期引进了德国式的“法治国家”理念,在“明治宪法”中构建了分权制衡的国家机构体系,并对臣民的基本权利进行了保障.由此确立了近代意义上的形式法治主义。“二战”后,新的《日本国宪法》确认了国民主权原则,不仅要求各种国家权力必须依法行使,而且规定了对国民基本人权的保障以及对法律本身的合宪性要求,由此确立了实质法治主义。在现实中,通过对法律的违宪审查、对行政正当性的要求、对行政程序的重视以及对国民权利的救济等,实质法治主义在日本得到了进一步的发展。当然,日本的法治主义在对法律的违宪审查、对行政立法的控制、对行政裁量的规范、对相对人参与的保障、对国民权利利益的救济等方面还存在着有待完善的课题。这些正反两方面的法治主义发展经验为我国的法治建设提供了一定的借鉴。 Japan introduced the German-style concept of “rule of law” during the Meiji Restoration and established a system of state agencies that weighed and balanced against each other in the “Meiji Constitution,” thereby ensuring that the basic rights of the subjects were protected Modern legal form. After the “World War II”, the new “Constitution of Japan” confirmed the principle of national sovereignty and required not only the exercise of power of various countries in accordance with the law, but also the guarantee of the basic human rights of the people as well as the constitutional requirements of the law itself. This established substantive legalism. In reality, substantive legalism has been further developed in Japan through the review of unconstitutional laws, the demand for administrative legitimacy, the emphasis on administrative procedures and the relief of national rights. Of course, there is still room for improvement in Japan’s legalism in examining unconstitutional acts, controlling administrative legislation, regulating administrative discretion, safeguarding the participation of relatives and providing relief to the rights and interests of the nation. These positive and negative experiences of the development of legalism provide some reference for the construction of rule of law in our country.
2008年国际金融危机发生后,美国为了刺激创业,增加就业,出台了一系列与资本市场密切相关的法律。2012年4月生效的《创业企业扶助法》(Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act,J
要想使企业民兵活动突出“兵”味,使活动富有吸引力,应理顺民兵活动在企业活动中“分”与“合”的关系。一些单位,如果听汇报、看材料,民兵的活动也是热热闹闹的。 In orde
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