
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missyouangle
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武隆县县、区、乡三级卫生防疫网10年来资源状况表现出如下特点:人力资源情况表现为县级机构在人员数量和质量上均有提高,区级机构均呈下降趋势,乡级机构人员数量稳定,但质量无提高;三级机构经费占卫生事业费的比例均呈下降趋势,其中县级机构绝对数增加,区级机构绝对数10年未变,乡级机构经费绝对数增幅很小;10年内除县级机构房屋、设备有所增加外,区、乡两级基本无变化。这表明基层卫生防疫事业投资严重不足,基本处于停滞或滑坡的状态,需要引起足够的重视,以保证初级卫生保健工作的顺利开展和2000年人人享有卫生保健目标的实现。 The health and disease control network of the county, district, and township level in Wulong County has shown the following characteristics in the past 10 years: The status of human resources shows that the number and quality of personnel at the county level have improved, and district-level institutions have shown a downward trend. The number of institutional staff is stable, but the quality has not improved; the proportion of tertiary institutions’ expenditures on health expenditure has been on a downward trend, among which the absolute number of county-level institutions has increased, the absolute number of district-level institutions has not changed for 10 years, and the absolute amount of funding for township-level institutions has increased. It is very small; in addition to the increase in housing and equipment of county-level institutions within 10 years, there has been no change in district and township levels. This shows that the grass-roots health and epidemic prevention business is seriously under-invested and is basically in a state of stagnation or landslide. It needs to pay sufficient attention to ensure the smooth development of primary health care and the realization of the goal of health care for all in 2000.
即使将“战争和革命"这个二十一世纪的重大主题限定在日中战争和中国革命的范围内进行思考 ,我也不认为自己能完成这个讨论。不过有一点是肯定的 ,这个主题对我来说 ,决不是一
高句丽“三貊”是指在历史上曾融入高句丽族的三个貊族部落 ,即大水貊、小水貊和梁貊。本文在指出“三貊”系古貊人残部的基础之上 ,详述了“三貊”的一些具体情况 ,以此辨明