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利用黄河含沙水直接进行微灌,依靠压力调节使泥沙在微灌系统运行中实现管网内的“冲淤平衡”;不作灌前泥沙沉淀或其他分离处理,节省工程投资显著,对于黄河沿岸地区的微灌发展具有一定的促进作用,使原有水利设施“物尽其用”;灌溉面积数10倍扩大,亩提水成本大幅度降低和显著增产的经济效益,使黄河两岸植被度大大提高,减少地面水蚀和泥沙进入黄河,固岸作用增强,具有很高的生态和社会效益,此种灌溉方法推广前景十分广阔.本文根据自治区教育科学基金资助项目试验结果,对管网“冲淤平衡”现象予以充分证实. The use of the Yellow River water directly to micro-irrigation, relying on pressure to adjust the sediment in the micro-irrigation system to achieve pipe network within the “scour and silting balance”; without sedimentation before sedimentation or other separation treatment, saving significant investment projects, for The development of micro-irrigation in the Yellow River coast has a certain promotion effect, making the existing water facilities “make the best use”; the area of ​​irrigated land is enlarged by 10 times, the cost of raising water per acre drastically reduced and the economic benefits of significant increase in output, Greatly improving the degree, reducing the surface water erosion and sediment into the Yellow River, strengthening shore shore role, with high ecological and social benefits, this irrigation method has a very broad prospect of promotion.This paper according to the results of the pilot project funded by the Education Science Fund, “Scouring and silting balance” phenomenon to be fully confirmed.
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这些高难度特技飞行动作,难道只是用来看的吗?当然不是。据了解,八一飞行表演队也不仅肩负战备任务,还负责摸索新的机动动作,试验新的战术战法。  刚刚结束不久的2016珠海航展上,最吸引人眼球的除了歼20隐身战机的首度公开,就是中国、俄罗斯、英国、巴西四国飞行表演队带来的精彩绝伦的空中特技飞行表演。在珠海航展上完成表演任务的中国空军八一飞行表演队队员余旭11月12日在训练中牺牲的消息,让人扼腕痛惜,也
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