近几年来 ,各类校园伤害事故时有发生。这些事故 ,轻则造成学生身体受伤 ,重则导致学生生命死亡 ,由此而引发的各种官司、纠纷给家长、学校都带来了很多麻烦和苦恼 ,如何依法预防和应对校园伤害事故已成为校长们必须认真对待的课题。记者最近采访了省内外的部分校园伤害事故及?
In recent years, all kinds of campus injuries have occurred. These incidents have caused a lot of troubles and distress to parents and schools as a result of injury to students and heavy death of students. All kinds of lawsuits and disputes arising therefrom have caused a lot of troubles and distractions. How to prevent and respond to school injuries according to law has become Principals must take the issue seriously. Reporter recently interviewed some of the campus injuries outside the province and?